Sunday, December 6, 2020

October test

Troubleshooting with J, trying to get YouTube and Blogger to get along.


TeresaA said...

I looks like you passed the test.

AareneX said...

I see a pony nose!

EvenSong said...

Hi, Mag!!
Is that mostly views of 72? It looks so much more open and inviting!

lytha said...

Teresa, not without the help of my husband who programs on the side for fun *shame*

Aarene, apparently Blogger has a button for including YouTube videos now. A button.

ES, It is, thanks for noticing! I've still got so many blackberry patches to clear, what is now my Winter priority cuz I don't have to mow grass for a while. Everytime I clear a blackberry patch, Bellis and Mag crowd into that area and enjoy it, new territory! I never dreamed how much they'd enjoy 72, somehow it entices them to play. Also, what you cannot see, it's the highest point on the entire property, so they feel most comfortable there. When it storms, they prefer the tree cover to the shelter (Tannenbaums, how Christmasy.) It's the least muddy high-use area on the 6 acres.

HHmplace said...

I agree - new property is looking much better & more open!