Saturday, November 14, 2020

That leichtsinnige* trainer, remember her?

After my good trainer SB told me she won't come help me anymore, I could tell she felt bad cuz her next email said we should go out to dinner sometime after Corona. Then she said I should join a local riding facebook page. 

* - Leichtsinnig - reckless, careless, devil-may-care

Ugh, facebook. But I did, and it's fascinating to see names I recognize, and events that I might have been interested in, if I had a horse trailer and truck. (And going back to driving school because I'm not allowed to pull any sort of trailer in Germany. A tractor, yes, a trailer, no.)

Anyway a sub-page of that FB page is called "mobile riding lessons" meaning the trainer will come to you. There were only about 8 of them but 2 of them I've already used, and you know all about them. First, there's L. The young guy who couldn't ride Mag. You saw the video, Mag escalated to the point of almost rearing, telling the guy no, no, no, in every manner possible. The next day L told me he was too busy to give me any more lessons in the future. That was 2017. Here is his ad for his business on that page:

Nothing wrong with that, it's cute. But if you use that to illustrate your training expertise, I wonder about you. This is an appeal to the rainbow unicorn loving little girls who never died in our hearts. I get it.

When I saw the next image I didn't need to read the description, it was K. I used her when I boarded Mag that first Winter. She was great. Until she invited me to a clinic at her ranch and had every participant crawling on all fours under their horses, and even lying down underneath them. I lost all respect for her that day and never called her again. Out of 7 trainers, she is 1 of 2 that I purposefully let go. That was 2017 as well.

Here's the photo. This is her advertisement for her horsemanship training barn:



AareneX said...


I'm glad the good trainer had more good advice, even if those two bozos are, well, bozos.

And so, back to driver training? How hard can it be? >g<

Shaste said...

Oh dumb humans. They slay me. I wish there was some kind of licensing for people to call themselves trainers!

EvenSong said...

Wait! I missed something! Your trainer that hauled to you and you had such a nice ride? She not coming back?!?

lytha said...

Shaste, oh, but they are all certified! In Germany all professionals must be certified in some way. There's even a certification for simple riders who want to feel "qualified" to ride horses. In America, we call that going to horse shows/competitions and *winning*: )

EvenSong, it was in the comments, the discussion about why my good trainer won't come here anymore. : ( I was pretty upset about it, cuz she got my hopes up. She'll likely come back next Summer for another trail ride, but she won't come here to work with me with Mag in the woods (for lack of a riding ring).

lytha said...

Shaste, I forgot to mention, one of the amateur rider certificates is for lunging the horse. You can get certified in this! You must prove you've taken classes in lunging, and then perform lunging a horse for judges. Then you get your certificate. I actually know someone who did this. I asked why and she didn't have a great answer, apparently she just feels better about herself with certificates saying things she can do.

There's even a (German only) Wikipedia page for these amateur certificates:

Shaste said...

OK I take it back :) but I can't think what happy middle ground there is between people being certified to longe a horse, and the dumb a$$ who bills themself as a trainer with zero competency.

I actually had a boarders 'trainer' let a whole field of 8 horses out once trying to bring one in to ride. One 'snuck by her' as she was bringing the horse out. Instead of closing the gate and catching the loose horse she let the one haltered horse go, gate still open, and ran after the one that slipped by. Meanwhile every other horse in the field came galloping out! Thank goodness I was here and we got them all caught with no injuries. Trainers can be quite the train wreck.