Saturday, January 20, 2018

Preview photo and another photo

Here's a photo from Ani's and my ride today, we both rode Mag around the arena. We had a nice time, he was fine after 25 days off work. Riding him in arenas, you'd think he was on sleeping pills. I don't mind!

This is the little sand pen that S1, S2, Ulrike, and Ani use. It's on their side of town, an hour's walk for me, but the owner doesn't want $ for it, so I'm suddenly more interested in taking that long walk through busy streets to get there. I like that Ani will ride with me in there (though for now we've only taken turns). Hopefully when Winter is over, S1 will also ride with  me there.

She seems to enjoy riding him, and, after watching me trot around, said next time she wants to try trotting.


This morning I saw a photo on facebook (below left) and for a moment thought it was my horse - but no, it's just a signature look of my photographer friend on her last trip to Mallorca. I love how it illustrates a difference between Egyptian and Polish Arabians - often you can just look at the ears and tell them apart. Egyptians have the truly tippy ears.


TeresaA said...

How wonderful that you found an arena that you can ride in!

AareneX said...

I didn't know that about tippy ears!

Sounds like the new arena is a good thing--and an hour of walking (riding?) through town is good practice, right?

lytha said...

Teresa, an arena that isn't forget the word in English - Nazi-like? Thank you for paying attention!!!

Aarene, Oh, I don't dare yet ride him on 101, (100kph) with Semis racing through. Someday, but imagine riding Billy on your I5 connector to Arlington. (50mph, a wisp of a shoulder, Semis.) I will eventually get on in the suburbs that divide the two neighborhoods, but not yet. S1 said, "I saw a rider on a horse on 101!" I said, "I will do it someday." She said, "I cannot believe you even LEAD your on that highway." It's a dream, to ride it one day. I'll do it: ) I know why you ask, cuz I'd been taking Mag on Hohestrasse (also 100kph) for months. But lately he's spooking at the big rigs, so I'm taking it easy. I pray it will be better for us soon, cuz I'm still pretty stressed. I stood with him 15 minutes on 101 in a slow zone (50kph) and he pooped twice in anxiety, even though it was so slow. I politely removed the poop (I'm good huh?). Just gotta get Mag back in fast traffic....

irish horse said...

That horse does look a lot like Mag! I didn’t know about the tippy ears either, Major has Egyptian, I’m not sure how much, but those who know this stuff have said his tall build and face are Egyptian. He has semi-tippy ears I think too.

I’m I’m so happy Mag was good after all that time off! Your training is really paying off.

lytha said...

Irish, I would assume Major is Egyptian from his ears, they are perfectly fluted. All other strains wish they had such tippy ears.

I wish it was my training, I hope it is, with Mag. I hope.

Major, "BE GOOD."

I really love your horse.