Tuesday, October 31, 2017

31 October - 500 years Reformation

I was so annoyed this morning when Facebook said, "Happy Halloween" to me. WTH. Facebook knows I'm in Germany, where Halloween isn't quite yet a thing.

Facebook should know what today is, since Facebook knows where I live, based on the ads it sends me.

500 years of Reformation. Today. It's not normally a national holiday, but this year it is, because of the number 500.

501 years ago you could not read a Bible if you were a normal person.

501 years ago you paid money to cover your sins, one by one.

500 years ago the Christian world split and it's all over the news here (the source of the split) and they are celebrating the togetherness of today's Catholics and Protestants, in contrast with 500 years ago. It's a joyous day for Germany.

I went to the Free Church on Sunday for the first time in a long time, with Ani. They have nothing going on today. Even Ani admitted that is not a good thing, because she appreciates what Luther accomplished.

J asked me what the Free Church is doing today....*sigh*

I thought I should write this post when I heard my neighbor's next door having a party just now, with loud music.

I've been to Luther's church in Wittenberg, stood at Luther's door, and I've seen the abomination that remains (Judensau), but I respect Reformations Tag very much, and am happy to see it all over the news and radio this past year, ramping up for today.

Will there be another one - my mom would say no.  She's a very positive person.

Trivia I only learned recently - my husband was named after Martin Luther - sort of - He has the name Luther used when he was forced to create a false identity. Cool: )


TeresaA said...

Happy Halloween has more ring to it than Happy Reformation day. 😁

AareneX said...

We even heard about Reformation Day way over here in the Swamp.

But I admit: I dressed up as a dragon, not a monk. My nametag for work still says "Dragon," I'm going to leave it like that until somebody notices and says something.