I was on my way to meet S1 for an afternoon ride.
I had ridden most of the way to our meeting point on Hohestrasse, the fast street. At the church tower, I was passed by two Arabian horses from across the street from my house - Nordic and Nevio. Nordic is the gorgeous porcelain Arabian gelding whose owner (the wife of the horse farm across the street) died years ago and has been ridden by whoever ever since. Nevio is just as gorgeous, but unfortunately colored in a pinto pattern.
Nevio's owner is the lady I will never, ever ride with again, after my first attempt. No way. But as they passed me on the sidewalk, I said, "Hello Nordic, hello Nevio" to them. There was a young girl on Nordic. Well, he's like 30 by now, should be OK. And Nevio is the "most trustworthy, experienced trail horse of all" I was told.
I think you can tell I'm coming to a point here.
As soon as they'd passed me, I jumped off Mag's back and dialed S1 to tell her I was about 2 minutes out from our meeting point. I don't telephone from Mag's back, yet.
As I was saying that, I heard a loud noise/felt something/saw.. I have no idea, it's a blank spot.
A group of quads/4 wheelers were heading toward me. I'd never seen a group of these type of vehicles before.
I whirled around to see Nordic and Nevio galloping back towards us full speed on the sidewalk.
Mag jumped around, trying to flee, but I had the end of my reins in my hand, by the buckle only (stupid short reins). This is why I always ride with a lead rope, and truly, it was there, but I'd just jumped off and didn't think I'd need it.
Two Arabian horses galloping directly toward us. "Mag, Mag, Mag!"
He did. I don't know why, but he did. And they crashed into him.
Literally his body blocked their path, they didn't think of swerving into the street, they just let his body stop him.
The poor girl was terrified.
I was overcome with anger at those things that scared them. The quads.
It was exactly how angry I felt when an LKW (Semi truck) slammed into my Prius on the Autobahn last August, sending us into a Dressage side-pass, with my car. My husband in the passenger seat. Terrifying. I felt that same anger - "YOU have the thing that is dangerous, YOU must be more careful than us." I had broken into tears, cuz a Semi should take note of little tiny bright red Toyotas on the Autobahn.
Back to today.
I started screaming at them, "Idiot!" and one word worse than that, in German.
I had no idea my phone was still on, and that S1 was experiencing it all.
Later S1 told me she was screaming my name into the phone, that I had in my hand, forgotten.
That she wanted to call my husband to tell him something had happened, but doesn't know his number.
After the quads had all finally passed, Nevio's rider said, "Thanks, we'll be cleaning up hoof boots now." (She's not a nice person.)
Indeed, the sidewalk was strewn with hoof boots. I think only two remained from the 8, on the horses.
In a daze, I walked the final way to meet S1 and she said, "WTH!"
I said, "Did you hear those quads?"
She said, "After your yelling at them, yes, they were 30 seconds away from me."
I said, "And your horse?"
"He was fine, I was standing at his head. They went slowly by us." Right, she was standing in a 30KPH zone.
I was in a little bit of shock, my legs were trembling, so I walked a ways before mounting.
And Mag was perfect, the entire time. He was funny, and lazy, and not interested at all in what her horse was doing, he was into himself.
I love that.
S1 asked me about my family's visit and I told her all about our adventures, and the wonderful foods we'd eaten, what everyone should try when they visit Germany.
Then S1 wanted to trot up the long hill but as always, was courteous and let me choose how. I said "Either side by side or with Mag up front." and that went well. Mag was perfect.
Then we trotted a few more slow inclines and Mag got to experience me switching diagonals for the first time. That must feel odd. It was the most trotting we'd ever done at home here.
Her Arabian threatened to kick him at one trotting point and I cringed, "I felt that in my knee, before he even did!" We have to be careful around him. Mag does not know it, he reaches out to nip him in the rump from time to time, like a baby.
Oh, I almost forgot. On my way there, riding on Hohestrasse (the 100kph street), I spooked, but Mag didn't. A high-speed bicyclist went flying by so fast I had no idea, I'd heard nothing. 2 seconds later, his partner speed biker went by us, maybe 2 meters from my horse. Mag somehow knew they were there, even though they were racing speed and I had no idea. I was overwhelmed, that he was OK with that. Bikes surprising horses from behind are the worst, as you know.
Near the end of our ride Mag kept stopping and turning his face to my knee, "Treat?" But I'd run out.
He clearly wanted me off his back, thinking he'd done enough for the day. Yes, he'd perhaps saved lives, but it was just an hour loop.
I just kept laughing at him and promised him treats when we got home, after I ran out.
S1 promised me she'd ride with me to the Sengachtalsperre (the watershed, you know that promise already, *sigh*).
On arrival home, true to my word, I opened up another batch of Mag's favorite apple treats and he obviously loves them more than the mineral snacks I usually carry. He's a lazy, easy-to-recover-from stress boy. He took care of me when my legs were shaking, and I think he might have saved that little girl from a crash in that intersection.
OK Mag, I'll order more apple snacks for you!
Tomorrow morning, a ride with the fancy (and very strange) arena lady. Oh boy...
Well, here in Texas I"m giving fist pumping hoots and hollers for Mag's response to all that.
When I was riding Khanalee, it wasn't unusual for a cotton tail or jack rabbit to spring up under his feet. Always spooked me, but it didn't spook him, the prince of spook. But he did hate 4 wheelers, which were straight from hell and wanting to kill him, even if they were on a far away hill.
A horse who keeps his brains in his head and his feet on the ground? Bravo!
Your horse is awesome. The End.
Long story short, I stumbled on a page for German chicken law!! And I of course had to share it with you: https://bauernhahn.de/rechtsfragen
How depressing (the article). They did everything perfectly if they wanted to alienate us, and that worked. And this summer they bought a third dog, and this one is noisy. I know about it whenever anyone walks down our street. A raspy, high-pitched screeching bark (Dachshund). It wakes us up at 7 and has even taught their other quiet dogs to bark.
Bikes sneaking up from behind are the worst! One time I was working with a young, somewhat timid Fjord gelding, and on our very first ride off the place, down our very rural (as in usually deserted) road, a biker came shooting up behind us, with no warning! Thor and I became aware of him at the same moment, and I barely had time to grab mane before Thor took three BIG leaps forward! Luckily, he stopped as soon as he felt me pick up on the reins. Whereupon I reamed the biker guy out royally, admonishing him to announce himself next time he comes up behind a horse and rider on his stealth vehicle!
Good on Mag for being so stalwart in the face of four wheelers, crashing horses, and shaken Lethas!
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