I told S1 I would ride with her, weather permitting. Meaning, if it's over 25C, I'm not going. But then...
It was over 25C, and I went. Cuz I was not gonna be the one to cancel, after years of difficulty hooking up with her (she doesn't ride in Winter, and won't ride in wind, works full time, and her horse is an hour's walk away - 30 minutes when we meet in the middle). So I packed my ice water bottles and got ready.
I was determined, if I was gonna do this, I was gonna ride down Hohestrasse again, and even through Grunewald, the gauntlet of doom at the end of Hohestrasse. It was too hot to walk.
I did it. I rode half sidewalk, half street, depending on traffic and sidewalk use. I had my Luxemburg Airlines green vest on, cuz I knew I'd be in the street today. I was impossible to miss. It's the vest I had to wear on my journey bringing Baasha to Germany. It's not flattering, but it's bright.
In the gauntlet, Gruenewald, I rode in the street cuz there were houses tight on either side, with dogs and such. One dog ran and jumped out at us, and Mag was fine, but I was totally surprised and yelled a little at it.
Now for my greatest moment:
Arriving at our meeting point on my horse for the first time.
As expected, S1 was leading her chestnut Arabian down the busy street. I was ON THE HORSE in that traffic, yay me! Good Mag!
Strangely, Mag kept stopping on the descent into the woods, asking me if I was sure I wanted to be on his back, cuz I never was before. I just kept urging him forward, to S1's confusion. They were way ahead of us. He wasn't nervous, just sticky.
As soon as S1 mounted, Mag went, "Oh. OK then. We're going for a carry."
Here's something new - normally I speak English to S1, cuz her English is better than my German, or about the same. It is the reason I consider her my closest friend, because we can communicate in English, so much more precisely. Well, today, I decided to speak only German with her, for the first time, and it was fine. There were just two words I couldn't find when I needed to, but I think she got them anyway.
Anyway, Mag and her horse, both Eastern European Arabians, made an amazing pair today. Their walk was identical, their long necks arching together side by side, their 4 ears always tipped forward, their tails, they made quite a picture.
S1 said, "You know, Mag looks totally different from the time I went and viewed him for you at the dealer's, back then he was a little fatty, not very Arabian at all."
I said, "I know, I also don't recognize my horse compared to those photos you took 2 years ago."
3 times Mag tried to bite her horse's rump. I have no idea what his problem is. He isn't grouchy, he doesn't pin his ears he just tries to take a bite every so often, from any horse he's with. Oh Mag. I just yank his mouth away with one rein and say, "Nein."
We went through puddles, even with Mag in the lead, and over 2 tiny streams with no hesitation.
In fact there was no hesitation on Mag's part the entire ride, and only a couple times for her chestnut, the babysitter.
I mentioned it to S1, "Look how calm your horse is, and how he's helping mine stay calm!"
She said, "I never would have dreamed he'd be a role model for other horses."
I said, "How old is he now?"
We heard this clattering and looked up to see a 4-in-hand coach coming down the hill at us at a trot. I emergency dismounted. S1 said, "I'm just taking my horse over to the side."
I backed Mag up to get out of the way in a safe place with his buddy.
Then I realized we may not be visible to the oncoming coach, and I pulled Mag forward into the intersection and waved at the driver. "Hi!" They were cool, and went flying past us, with their 4 lovely red roan ponies. Mags eyes were popping out. But our horses held it together.
S1 said "Here's a bench where you can get back on."
And then she wanted to trot with me.
I'd already told myself this morning, if S1 wants to trot with me, I will.
But I hadn't considered the circumstances, and I didn't like that we would be trotting the last stretch toward home. Hm.
But S1 is always considerate to her riding partners, and she said, "Go ahead, you can lead if you like."
I trotted and it was fine,but Mag was a little anxious, and totally out of balance. No worries, until he was flipping his head a little to regain balance.
So I slowed and S1 said, "I'll go first, you follow, maybe Mag is better at following."
She took up a trot and it was the calmest I've seen her horse - he was in his zone. He was totally rhythmic. I watched his chestnut butt in front of me, and it never lost its rhythm in that trot. Mag was all over the place.
We both praised them and once back at Hohestrasse, S1 dismounted. I sat on Mag for the first time in that location, cars whizzing by, feeling proud of us. Then I too, got off and parted ways with a simple, "Til next time!"
I loosened my girth and removed the bit, Mag's reward for a job well done.
Then I stopped to rest at a bench at the cemetery.
A tan, blond lady was walking her 2 kids toward us.
A kid, maybe 2 years old, barefoot, walked right up to Mag at our bench. The toddler raised its arms to Mag's face.
I stood up and put my palm up, "Wait."
The mother caught up her baby and said, "She LOVES animals. We have a cat and she loves it so much. Can she please pet your horse?"
Well OK.
The toddler put her hands on his face. He was polite, he let her stroke him until I pulled him away cuz I don't now what he'll do. Mag might decide that kids are fun to chew on.
I praised Mag the entire way home for a great day.
J found 35 geocaches today. We both had a great day! UPDATE: What comes after good and then better? WORSE!

A lot of the for-sale photos from the dealer have little warnings in them. Like this guy holding onto the saddle horn. You'd better hold on! Or the expressions on the riders' faces on the young Arabians. In contrast, all the photos of the Connemaras they sell have relaxed, happy riders on board.
Remember when you put all your riding stuff away and thought that this was it? Now look at the two of you! Well done!
Yay yay yay yay...wait, "worse?" Where? Looks like good point to me!
Teresa, I shudder at the memory. Lowest of lows. *hug* I so appreciate days like today, where I have to clean my tack, cuz it's actually being used. Thank you so much for following this journey. Your mare makes me realize how easy Mag is. But you obviously love her, and that's the point of all this.
Aarene, worse is the next day (Sunday, today) - already in the blog cue, waiting to give readers a nice dose of Schadenfreude if they like: ) I'm sure Mag was just appeasing those who loathe reading only good, happy horse-riding blogs where the blogger keeps saying, "Another great day!" OK Mag. You made your point.
At this point Mag is 3 or 4 steps forward before taking a step backward. So...overall goodness?
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