Friday, March 3, 2017

Two arena rides and hope for tomorrow

Oh, I don't like the barn in the afternoons. Kids and ponies everywhere! I had to untack in my stall, and ask kiddies to fetch my halter that was hanging in "their" grooming area. It belongs to the kids in the evenings. One poor girl had to move Flecky's butt over three times for me to get by. I feel bad because I think it's annoying for the kids too, when there are grown ups in the barn!

I gave Mag a thorough grooming, trying desperately to get rid of all that Winter hair. You know, when you board your horse, you end up with that hair all over the inside of your car, not just yourself. Ugh. Horsehair in my tea, too. He had another new cut on him, this time obviously from hitting his hip on a doorway. He has new cuts on him about weekly. I remember this phase with Baasha.

I let him roll and play and then lunged him with a green lunge line and I realized that dark green looks really good on him. How is that possible? Is he so yellow? Perhaps. I'm still thinking about what colors would look good on him, and I know pink would be fabulous but I can't do that to him.

The wind was still gusting, making everything exciting, but I managed a nice relaxing little ride in the outdoor, all alone except for people coming and going. I decided 3 PM on a Friday is a great time to be there, just a few boarders, and no kids yet. A half hour later, Grand Central Station.

That new girl who is leasing Moritz now arrived and immediately asked me, "Would you like someone to half-lease your horse?" I said, "This horse is too young, too unpredictable, he'd injure someone, unfortunately." She sighed, I know she's looking for a friend of hers.

Then she took Moritz into the indoor and wanted to work on trotting for the first time. I had just finished riding in the outdoor but I joined her. I think Mag was confused, "I'm getting ridden TWICE today?" but our rides were very short. The girl asked me to watch the Haflinger for lameness and I saw it but not consistently. She asked me if I'd competed with Mag in horse sports. I said, "MAG? He's too young, he's just getting started. But me, yes, I'm very competitive, I love to win. But I enjoy competing even when I don't win."

Finally I rewarded Mag and took him through the ocean of kiddies to his stall for more beet pulp and then put him away. I was sad to see a girl show up to ride on trails, someone who probably would have taken me out if my timing wasn't so bad.

But right now I'm very happy because I just got a text from Marin, the e-cigarette smoking "American" and she said she'll take me out riding tomorrow on the PRE! I said, "The PRE? YES!" because I know he's reliable, not just from the time I rode him, but from what Nina said. I had no idea Marin rides him. That makes three or...four people who ride him! No wonder he's broke.

I texted Bettina and asked her if she'd take me out with Alexey on Sunday. Hoping so much for two trail rides this weekend!!!

Nina and Claudia are sick, my two trusted ones, so I'm getting desperate.

If I plan ahead I might be able to get Gabi to take me out Thursday mornings. If I can handle her yelling. My goodness I wish she could control that.

Looking forward!


TeresaA said...

It's great to see how things are going! And I think that Royal Blue would look awesome on him.

EvenSong said...

Yay! for trail rides!
I hope I may say something without offending--I think you need to change your self-talk a little. When you keep saying that "green horse" = someone getting hurt, that sets up a very negative expectation. Yes, Mag is green, and therefore not appropriate for many riders, especially the kids (who probably see him as exotically gorgeous), but it doesn't mean he's dangerous. Quite the opposite, from what everyone is saying about him! You're doing wonderfully with him, and he is responding in kind.
Any of the jewel tones would look good on a gray: emerald green, sapphire blue, ruby, or a deep purple (but that's Aarene's color, right?) or plum?

AareneX said...

Yay for more riding!

Can you think of the chaos at the barn as good training for the chaos of a ridecamp? You don't have much chaos for practice at home, this is an opportunity.

If you want to try green tack on him, remember that we have heaps of white/green tack here in a box, not getting used by anybody. (Even a crupper, maybe?) Shipping it to Germany to try on would be cheaper than buying a color you end up hating.

Alternately, American Trail Gear will send you a ring of biothane samples, so you can try all the colors against his hide, which is always a good option.