Wednesday, December 21, 2016

In which I find a German with a sense of humor

I found out today that Bettina has a sense of humor similar to my own. She approached Christina and me and mumbled something I didn't understand. Christina said, "Ignore her, she's joking around. She said we'd better not be saying bad things about her horses, or else we'll have to find some other place to keep ours."

I said, "Oh, we'd be kicked out of here! Hm, I wonder what one would say about her horses?" I gazed over at them, Ducky and Alex, and I said, "Oh, I know. They're too BAY."

Bettina laughed, "Hey, watch out!" then, "Well, compared to your horse mine are really bay."

*lol* She has no idea bay is my favorite color.

Later I turned off the light to our little barn (8 horses in this particular barn) and then noticed Bettina was coming back.

"OH, I'm sorry, I just turned off the light!" She replied, "No problem!"

I said, "Well it is a problem, because your horses are so dark in color you won't find them."

She pointed to the manure pile and said, "THAT is where your horse can live now."



Trailer training take 2.

I admit it, I got cocky and went too fast. I was so pleased about how Mag was walking in and out and though and back out of the trailer, I decided to shut the front ramp, but leave the top half open (see photos from yesterday, it's a huge opening/window thingy). Well that was fine, so, encouraged, I shut the top half too. Mag entered as usual, ate some grain-free grain product (no idea) that Christina gave me, and suddenly he noticed that he was "trapped" so he very slowly and deliberately unloaded himself out the back. Not in a panic, not hurried, just, "I'd rather be out." And of course I didn't argue with him, because fighting at that moment would not help. As soon as he was out, I put him back in. And he stood a few moments and then again backed himself out without my asking. Hrm.

Back to opening the entire thing up. Crap, I should have gone slower, but oh well, back to step one, and maybe two?

He's fine if the top half is open, so that's where we ended today (the trailer lesson was broken into two sessions divided by some arena ground work).

One of the problems today was as soon as Mag loaded, one of the geldings passed by on a trail ride on the street near the trailer. Mag couldn't stand it, he could hear him but not see him. I swear, with Mag, he has to learn everything twice. Once with me, and once with me and another horse walking by!

I should be thankful though, Mag didn't try any avoidance techniques, he simply walked into the trailer every time I asked, but would stop chewing in tension if that front ramp was shut. It was just claustrophobic enough he couldn't quite relax. So we'll work on that step before we shut the entire front. I'm thrilled to have a trailer to use for this. I think as a thank you I'll buy her a sack of that grain-free grain stuff. I saw a cranberry in it - so that's what they're using instead of grain? Fruit? Sugar itself is indeed grain-free.......*sigh*

I was getting discouraged at how many hours can pass with me being the only person at the barn, and by the time I'm tired and thoroughly popsickled, people really start showing up. When it's dark out. Ugh. But! Today is the last day of school so I'll have the car whenever I like, and 1. I'm sleeping in! and 2. I'm gonna go when people are there, like, no earlier than 1pm!

Also at some point I have to clean my house.

Another positive - as I did ground work and poles at a walk today with Mag, two horses came and did some stuff in the arena and then left and he never lost his head! Woo! 


AareneX said...

this whole experience is wonderful to read about, yay Mag! And yay YOU!

lytha said...

Aarene, wish you could have been there standing between Ducky and Alex, her two bay monster horses. And I wish I could convey how often my humor falls flat here. Humor does not translate into foreign languages, it turns out.

So far the most annoying thing about this barn - the dogs. Barking like idiots (Papillion), 20 minutes of whining in anxiety as her owner tacked up a horse(pure white German Shepherd), jumping on me unexpectedly (Wolfhound) trying to bite my face off (black Lab) after which I had a nightmare, running at me to thrust their noses where I wish they wouldn't (Boxer), weaving around trying to find out what is going on altogether (Spaniel), or just trying to find my lunch to steal it (all of the above). And with the crotch accosting, all of the above.

There is one horse lady who keeps her dog on a leash wrapped around her torso at all times. All times. Her bf is the one with the Seattle Seahawks cap, and she rides an Appy. It's amazing to see her go about her work with her horse with her dog literally tied to her side, like the Monks of New Skete recommended. I am dismayed how dogs are given a free pass at misbehavior, and well, kindergarten kids too, but adults and horses must behave. Gabi saw kids run full blast by Mag today and didn't yell to them to save themselves.

If dogs are the worst thing I can find about this place, I shouldn't complain, I suppose. I just hate the way they accost everyone physically and loudly and it's Germany so it's a dog's world. Did you know dogs are allowed in restaurants? You have to walk over them if they are in the aisle between the tables. I love good dogs. I dislike the rest.

TeresaA said...

I prefer dogs at a barn over kids....

Mags is figuring it out and I wouldn't worry too much about him backing out. You did the right thing (IMO) by quietly putting him back.

EvenSong said...

Just catching up on yesterday's and today's posts about loading. Wonderful progress! And I really think it's not a bad thing that Mag unloaded himself today: part of a horses stress in a trailer is the lack of ability to escape. Letting him see that he CAN get out, will hopefully help him feel like he doesn't HAVE to. And his worry level certainly seemed manageable...for both of you!
The dog thing would drive me crazy!

AareneX said...

I inadvertently cured a hardcore bum-sniffer by doing what I always do: brought up my foot fast and clocked him on the chin with my heel. Totally, honestly forgot I was wearing spurs.

Barn owners report that he no longer sniffs people bums.

Achieve1dream said...

That is so funny about the bays. I'm glad you found someone with a similar sense of humor! I couldn't imagine living somewhere where someone didn't understand my sarcastic sense of humor... I'd probably upset a lot of people lol.

Good job on the trailer loading! That sounds like a great session to me. The more time he spends having good experiences in it, the better. :)