Thursday, December 1, 2016

Day 7

It was -5 C last night and I gave Bellis a bucket of warm water to drink, then used my hands to get the ice out of her trough and put hot water in. Mag doesn't have it quite so good -  his Winter paddock trough (a bathtub - one of my horsekeeping pet peeves) was frozen solid. I saw that Willy had chipped at it, but nowhere near sufficiently.

And Mag's legs, all 4, were swollen from inactivity. Bettina said, "I wondered why his legs were so swollen when he's going in and out of his stall constantly!" I said, "Not last night - they shut the panels so Mag stayed in."  Apparently Mag is not brave enough to push through the plastic panels when they are completely closed.

*sigh* I understand people don't want their buckets to freeze (the auto waterers are turned off if it's freezing out), but my horse needs his paddock. My frost-free bucket did great - Mag had fluid water all night, but only in the stall.

I worked him in the arena and he's so much better about lunging now. Bettina was riding her Warmblood in there and I didn't like that Mag gave him a dirty look when he trotted by, but Mag didn't lose his focus on me other than that moment.

I let him go afterwards to rake the bedding back onto the low spots and Mag just stood like a statue, as if pondering life, completely peaceful. Then he ate off one of the round bales, then he went and looked over the top of the door. Wish I had my camera so you could see the picture of a perfectly relaxed Mag standing loose in the arena!

Just as we were leaving the arena Gabi walked by with the mare who loves Mag and asked if we'd like to take a walk with her. Of course we would! The mare is lame and needs to just be led around town, cuz the trails are so rough. Gabi asked if Mag is good in traffic. I said, "Oh yes." In fact, Mag was better on the lead than her mare, who was glaring and threatening Mag and pulling on her rope. Mag was a full 10 feet behind her, he was not getting into her space.

One thing did bother him though - Gabi's dog. The dog was sniffing something way behind us and we got further and further and Mag was wondering what's up with the dog and then the dog came running and Mag's tail flew up in the air and he started jigging. Hm, busses are fine but DOGS are not?

Gabi asked me how we're doing and I said I'm satisfied because I have received offers of help from other boarders, and I plan on starting saddle work next week. 

Back at the barn I heated up some warm water for Mag and he drank some, then I left him in his paddock. Oh well, when he comes in tonight he's got lots of fluid water.

I got my tack down from the attic again.  Oh boy.

It's this time of year.


Kitty Bo said...

I love it that you got your tack back down. :)

lytha said...

KB You are so sweet! Your comments always make me feel good, and often LOL.

Camryn said...

Yay, tack out of the attic, things are looking up. Could you get Mags one of those stall toys that he has to roll around to get the treat to encourage him moving about in his stall?

lytha said...

Camryn, I see, you want to make stall cleaning even WORSE for me! *lol* As long as Mag can freely go in and out of his stall into the outdoor paddock, I think he's getting enough movement at night. When they shut his door, no: ( So far that was only one night.

TeresaA said...

I can't wait to hear about the under saddle work. can you bring the frost free bucket and put it in his stall? And he will figure out how to go in and out through the closed flaps. Maybe you could lead him?

Camryn said...

Lol, didn't give a thought to the mess. And believe me when I say as small as the Mini's poo is, it's a mess come morning. It nearly always looks like they've had a party.

lytha said...

Teresa, I hung the frost-free bucket in the stall before Mag arrived, and I'm glad he has fluid water at night at least, and lots of it - the other horses have tiny little buckets, not nearly enough for a night.

Camryn, I can imagine. IMO it's best to have stall mats and no bedding at all, if you don't lock horses in anyway.

Achieve1dream said...

Maybe clicker training would help him understand the door flaps? I'm glad he's still doing well. It's interesting she noticed his swollen legs, didn't know the cause but wasn't worried and didn't say anything.....