Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Preview, or "The light, the light!"

I got a mail from Michi today. She sent me four of the photos, apparently her favorites.

Since we have such different taste in horse photography, I'm counting on seeing even better ones when I get the rest. She said it will take a while because of other, paid photo jobs she has right now.

Do you have a favorite from the ones below? 

She said it's the great diffuser in the sky, when a light layer of clouds covers the sun. It made a lot of work for her as the light changed.

She explained that Haflingers are the easiest horses to photograph because the camera "understands" the color gradient and focuses easily. Dark horses being the hardest (their features disappear into their coat) and greys are also hard because her camera is less sure where to focus. I don't understand the technical stuff.

I think this photo would have worked out if the legs were in it. It looks better enlarged where you can see dust motes and the earth getting flung up under him.This is the perspective she shot most of the day - the sunlight behind the horse giving a glowy outline.


Unknown said...

That first one is stunning!!!

Cricket said...

I like the last one the best but that's primarily because Mags and Ashke could be twins. Love your boy.

AareneX said...

they are all beautiful. yay!

TeresaA said...

I like one and three. The issue with light coloured horses has more to do with the light meter in the camera- sometimes the white can get washed out and lose all detail. She did well with these.

Anonymous said...

#1, from his pointy little ears, to his flared nostrils, to the muscles in his neck and his tail, he is just beautiful.

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

They're all my favorite!!

Camryn said...

While they are all incredible, #1 would have to be my fave. Even motionless you can see the energy radiating from him.

irish horse said...

How lucky to have such a wonderful photographer friend! I like the #3 trot photo, but the lighting in #4 is amazing. Can't wait to see the rest!

EvenSong said...

I like the first one the best, but they're all Mag-nificent! (See what I did there?) Definitively Mag-azine-cover-worthy.
Was he really that close to her, or does she have some reason for cropping out the legs? I agree with you that it would be nice to have them.

Tina said...

The first one is my favorite! I would love to draw it some time! Would you mind?

lytha said...

Karen, I always see Baasha in Ashke because they have the Morafic face and are so obviously Egyptian. But if you see it, I believe you. All three have the same soft eye.

Teresa, "light meter" - that sounds like what she was talking about, about the grey horses. It was going over my head.

Irish, since you and me have the same favorite, it must be an Arab lover thing. We want to see the features that make it an Arab, and lots of perspectives don't show the breed as well.

Evensong, you cracked both me and my husband up. In fact, my husband started to type a comment with other Mag puns and I stopped him: )

Tina, wait til you see more - I have one that is taken a split second after the one you like, and one ear is back, which I prefer. I love one ear forward one ear back photos, cuz you can see the shape of the ears better. Are you asking because you want to make art and make money from it? If I don't have to pay, I don't see why not. Wish I could afford horsey art, or any art at all in our house. We literally have bare walls, all of them. But hey, we have windows and God made pretty stuff out the windows!

lytha said...

Tina, if you draw it, please, please clean up his greasy hairy disgusting ears. It's the first thing I saw in that photo. JK, sort of.

Tina said...

I'll send you the pictures when I'm done with it.

Achieve1dream said...

I love them!!!!!!! The third is my favorite! Wow! He is gorgeous. I live the first one too, but that trot photo is amazing. You're lucky to have a pro photographer friend. I want pro photos so bad! Heck I just wish I had a place I could run them and I would try to get the photos myself, but they always go in the trees...