Friday, January 15, 2016

Mag update

J called the vet today and confirmed that Mag passed his follow-up exam. He was put through another stress test and for the first time did not cough.

The vet said the lymph nodes are no longer swollen, and the horse is healthy.

We wrote Haegerhof an email right away asking if we can reserve the horse. He's been on the market online this entire time (and listed as "healthy"). Until Wednesday's follow-up, I wasn't worried because the horse was either ill or recovering.

But it's been 2 days that the horse is confirmed healthy, and now I'm feeling a little pressure that he'll be shown to other buyers.

Maybe we'll call them this evening if I don't hear back via email soon.

Haegerhof has a couple of brand new sale colts with excellent breeding (if you don't mind CA carrier Justice in the grey). These are really nice horses and cheap - maybe they'll distract buyers from the one I want?

Ekstern son

Shanghai EA son

My days are very long with no job and no horse.

I watched the rest of my Pete Ramey dvds yesterday and had only a donkey to trim. Since it's been snowing for 2 days, Bellis gets a warm mash every day, and a bucket of hot water every morning to drink. She likes it hot! I have been spoiling her lately.

I feel this weird numbness from wanting a horse so long. And it hasn't been that long; it's strange to think that Mara was here in September. It feels like an eternity. I guess that could be because I decided to sell her in March.

This picture makes me sad. So much tack, nothing to do with it.



My husband called and they are out of country again horse shopping, but promise to not sell Mag to anyone else until Monday night when we speak to them again.


irish horse said...

So soon! You can use all that tack and trim the feet of Mag. I'm so anxious for you.

hainshome said...

Can't wait to get the next update!

lytha said...
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AareneX said...

gahhhhhhh I hate waiting!!!

Crystal said...

I'm hoping all good things for you.Could you ride Bellis? shes big enough isn't she....that be cute and a project to keep you busy :)

Achieve1dream said...

Yay!!! Mag is healthy!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear what they say Monday. :D

ellie k said...

You should break Bellis to ride and then your hubby could ride too when you do get a horse.

kbryan said...

Glad to hear this news! You must be excited. I wonder how Bellis will react when he moves in. . .

I guess the job interview you had did not pan out. If you wanted to, could you tutor English on the side? Just curious.

Have a great weekend!

Kitty Bo said...


Anonymous said...

Goodness I hope they get back to you quickly!!! YAY!!! So excited for you!

EvenSong said...

Holding my breath!

Bakersfield Dressage said...

Woohoo!!!! :0)

Nicole A said...

I'm with Aarene!!!

AareneX said...

Monday...fingers crosed (again) for Monday!!!

Anonymous said...


Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

I hope everything works out!!!