Monday, December 28, 2015

Not much to say, just a Mag update

I'm trying not to get too attached to this horse because I've been let down so many times.

The landline phone rang today with a melody that is specifically for me. We'd given it to that vet, I remembered, so I'd be sure to answer, whereas I normally ignore ringing telephones.

Dr Nitsch said the lab report came back and the horse has nothing significant in his cultures/samples/whatever. I said that's very good and was happy that I could understand the guy finally.

I should add that I had confirmed that the horse received Trimetox, ACC and Glucosum Monohydricum since the vet was there.

He said he will contact Hagerhof Arabians to schedule a follow-up exam for the horse on the 2nd week of January. That's good, I said, what else? I didn't have anything to say, this time.

That's it, "Guten Rutsch" (I wish you a happy New Year), he said, and we'll be in touch. I said, "Ihnen auch."

I'm trying not to get too excited, I've been let down so many times. But that happy, curious face...


AareneX said...

crossed, crossed CROSSED are my fingers!!!!

T said...

Very hopeful for you, fingers crossed!

Crystal said...

so good! fingers crossed from me too!

Camryn said...

Ooooooh, sending you good vibes. Can't even imagine all the feelings you've got tossing about.

appydoesdressage said...

Woohoo! Such great news, keeping fingers crossed too!

Anonymous said...

Crossing EVERYTHING!!!

Piccolopony said...

Mine are crossed for you too!

Kitty Bo said...

Trying not to get too excited,but I really am.

Achieve1dream said...

I'm praying it works out! He would be so perfect if the antibiotics cure him. It's so hard not to get excited. I really hope it works out. I hope the next couple of weeks fly by!