Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lab results

After spending a lot of time with both a German/English dictionary and Wikipedia, I have an understanding of the lab results.

It's all very fascinating.

There were basically 4 findings from the endoscopy/culture - pharyngitis, minimally swollen epiglottis, moderate mucus directly behind the larynx, and e.coli was detected in the culture. All the other bacteria was normal (staph, strep, many others hard to type) and the white blood cell count was normal.

I know what you're thinking - e coli in the airway!?! Not possible! Well I guess it is. Let me just go wash my hands again...

The cytology of the culture:

Minimal Leukocytes
No Neutrophil Granulocytes
Minimal Alveolar Macrophage/Type II Pneomocytes
Minimal Eosinophil Granulocytes
Moderate Bronchial Epithelien (is that a typo?)
No mucus components
No Curschmann's Spirals
No Macrophage Phagocyte bacteria

The best news, I think, is that of the list of meds that were used against the culture, the one he's getting got an S on the report, meaning sensitive, not R, resistant. About half of the meds had R, so this was good news that the antibiotic prescribed was one that will have a chance of working. 

Pulse and respiration were both normal before and after the stress test (5 minutes at a canter). The horse had no other issues. Oh, and he has two brands, says the documentation - a 14 on his right saddle area and a 71 on his left saddle area. Curious what these numbers mean.


Camryn said...

That's awesome, we'll keep the good vibes coming for Mag and you till the all clear bell has rung.

The Kelly's Adventures in KY said...

This is wonderful news!!! I hope they are giving him his meds as prescribed. When are you going to go back and see him?

Achieve1dream said...

That sounds like great news!! I'm so glad he prescribed the correct medications even before he knew for sure what it was. I don't know if that was luck or if he's that good. I'm impressed with what you've said about the vet. I hope the next two weeks go by quickly. I'm getting really excited.... Probably too excited lol. I'm counting the seconds until his recheck. :-D

AareneX said...

fingers are still crossed. I want you to understand how difficult it is for me to type like that.

lytha said...

Camryn, thank you. Waiting for the bell..

Kelly's, I am not going back there if I can avoid it. Even if we have to sign a contract via fax machine (yes we have a fax machine and we use it, like Christopher Lloyd) and transfer money bank to bank. It's just such an awful drive.

Achieve, Too excited? Me too. Hard to think.

Aarene, *lol* Thanks: )