Wednesday, June 10, 2015

One of my least favorite things

The thought of leaving the care of my animals (and garden) in the care of someone I've only met once.

Right now we are in a bit of a crisis trying to find anyone to farmsit for us for our trip home in July.

We have a few leads, but nothing solid, and no one I truly trust, and that sucks.

When I was in my 20s, I farmsat regularly for a family in Issaquah who lived next door to Baasha. I not only got to have "my own farm" full of 6 horses, 4 dogs, and countless cats, I got to be in the country, and look out my window and see Baasha. Of course I had to commute to Seattle every day for an hour, but it was worth it.  I got paid 35$ per day. I so wish I could find someone in Germany who truly loves to farmsit, and imagines it's her own farm, keeping everything healthy and in impeccable order like I did......

The girl I just showed our place to, I'm not sure she can put a halter on a horse, but she seems to know how to scoop poop. As a typical German, she grew up with riding lessons. She's a colleague of J's, so she should be trustworthy, but J is also a little uneasy using her like this.

Now to see if she takes the job, and for how many weeks. She said only 1-2, so we have a lot left to plan for. Our fish guy said his girlfriend loves her horse more than she loved him, and she'd be another good choice. *sigh*  We'll see.

Our dream this year is to see Yellowstone for the first time, and it's hard to plan it when we have no farmsitter.

We're praying this will happen and I can trust people and actually enjoy this trip home, not worrying about my animals.


Judi said...

Do you have any American friends that you trust that can switch places with you? It sounds like it would be a wonderful vacation to take care of your place. I'm not hinting that I should be the one--I would need someone to take care of my animals if it left, too. LOL

Crystal said...

That would be tough thing, noone cares for our animals like we owners do. Is there a chance you can board Mara and Bellis and just find someone to watch the cats?

AareneX said...

WHEN in July are you coming home? All month? RENEGADE???!!!???

I hope you find your farm sitter soon. I'm so lucky that my neighbors and I trade that task between us.

lytha said...

Judi, I cannot even get my American friends to visit me except once per decade, nearly. *sigh* It is quite an expensive plane ticket, I suppose.

Crystal, I am looking into boarding options too, just in case.

Aarene, All of July, if we find a farmsitter. Going to Naches would be torture for me, just being there and not riding? Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I get severe anxiety the moment I reach exactly 40 miles from home so we don't travel much because of it. When we do it's very tough so I can't even imagine how you feel. I hope you can find someone who puts YOU at ease that they'll take great care of your furkids.

AareneX said...

We could find you a horse, probably. The ride is 2 days this year, July 3 and 4....

lytha said...

Aarene, that is a very kind offer but I am afraid I'm not fit enough, and I take little pleasure in riding a horse I did not prepare myself. Also, we are participating in a parade the morning of the 4th.

Achieve1dream said...

Ugh... I feel so fortunate to live on the same property as my parents so they can watch my animals for me. I can't even imagine what a nervous wreck I would be leaving the country. I really hope you can find someone you trust!! Keeping my fingers crossed.

lytha said...

Achieve, I appreciate your empathy. My vacations are always overshadowed with worry about my animals. I think we found's hard to know when you just met her, but she actually owns a horse so that may be a good sign. I think I'll call her up and ask to come meet her horse. Then, maybe I'll have a better feeling.

Achieve1dream said...

That's promising!! I hope she works out!