I didn't do any 2014/2015 endings/beginnings type blog post.
However, I was given a new (lenovo!) computer by my husband (my very first new computer, if you can believe that). As I cleaned up my man's computer from all my photos, backing them up to a hard drive, I found all these wonderful memories in there. I'll be posting more memory lane pics in the near future.

That first photo of you and Baasha took my breath away. He was such a beauty, and the relationship between you two was totally captured in that photo. Your smile as you're talking to him speaks volumes.
Loved these! Thank you for sharing the memories with us. :) Keep them coming!
Beautiful photos. Like Saiph, the first one really took me. I stared at it and stared at it. Gorgeous.
Saiph, I'm all choked up at your reaction: ) I'm glad you could see the relationship - we were like a married couple, even though I called him Mein Sohn.
I so clearly remember that day...but I think my eye has gotten accustomed to seeing Fiddle, because at first glance I thought, "wow, I'm skinny and she's short." Oh, duh, yeah, in 1999 I was skinny and my horse was short.
<3 Story
I don't know if its how you have written about Baasha, or how he looks at the camera in your photos but some horses like Baasha(and some dogs too)just seem to be almost human- there is just something "more" there.
Lytha, I love these photos! Aarene linked to the post on FaceBook, before I even saw it in my blog roll, and I "liked" it even before I opened it, cause I knew I would!
Sweet memories.
Aarene,we were both so skinny - and models for Troxel and sports bras, apparently (where were our boobs?)*lol*
CG, I'm so touched by what you said. He didn't have the greatest conformation, but he had the best expression, like an angel. A vet at a ride once said, on first glance, "Oh my, he has soft eyes!" Even when he was 27 years old and decrepit, anytime I went to visit other horses, and came home to his face, I was in awe, "You're angelic!" I'd say to him. And to be honest he wasn't a pocket horse, he could care less if I came to his field. He didn't like grooming, didn't have itchy spots, but would so gently touch me with his nostril to communicate with me. Guess what, I'm seeing this same nostril-touch with Mara now.: ) Wow. I'm a Christian and I look forward to the day when I see him again, free moving and sound (and probably covered in mud, always).
Evensong, Facebook? Oh dear! *lol* I like my blog to stay very small, tiny, miniscule.
Somebody today told me that Fiddle is starting to look more and more like Story did--the facial expression, maybe, like Fee is now "saying" the same "words" that Story used to "say."
Awwwwww Baasha!!!! So beautiful! I love seeing pictures of him. He was one in a million. Even though I never met him I still felt like I knew him and I miss him. I'm glad you have these pictures. Looking forward to seeing more!
These pictures grabbed at my heart. And what you said about his eyes, I understand. I once took Khanalee to a dressage barn to meet with a saddle fitter. The owner of the barn looked at Khanalee in the stall and said, "He has a kind eye," and I never forgot that. It was true. Despite his inherent spooky nature (but he did try to listen and depend on me), he had a kind eye, and he looked so different from those other horses in that barn.
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