Saturday, November 22, 2014

What my donkey sounds like

You'll have to turn up your volume to get a sense of how loud she is, and that still won't be loud enough.

Some people say the bray of a donkey is a beautiful thing. I cannot agree.

If you must own a donkey, it's advisable to not have neighbors anywhere near your house.


Achieve1dream said...

Hehehehe I LOVE it!!!!! Have you seen my neigh vs. bray video? I had to watch it again and I can't believe how much Chrome has changed!!!

AareneX said...

Oh. My.

Why, she doesn't sound at all like a Volkswagen repair shop...why do you ask?

EvenSong said...

Well, I don't know about neighbors, but it woke my dog up!

The Equestrian Vagabond said...

I'm spewing my coffee! One of our neighbors down the crick has a whole menagerie, including mule, donkey, mini-mule, etc, I can't keep up with what she's got, and when the wind is just right I can hear them hee-hawing away!
- The Equestrian Vagabond

Reddunappy said...

Hello! I found an article that you might find interesting. Hopefully it will help you figure out things with Mara. I am going to type the link, I dont think the whole article will fit here. It is about some insights from Temple Grandin, the autistic animal behaviorist. She is amazing! Hope you can link to it.

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

I think we have the world's quietest donkey. Sparky rarely talks, and when he does it is short lived. We hear him bray maybe 3 times a year. One of the farms across the street has a huge herd of donkeys that are very vocal. Even when they are all braying Sparky never joins in, he just looks kind of annoyed. I kind of wish Sparky would bray more often.

lytha said...

Achieve, do you like the sound of Zep's bray?

Aarene, I'm doing my best to minimize that noise by never responding to it. For example this morning when I opened my door to go feed breakfast, the donkey heard me and brayed. I went back in the house. After years of doing this, she still doesn't get it that braying always results in me leaving. But wait, I thought donkeys were smart. Hm.

Evensong, that's so funny!

Merri, it would be nice to hear that sound at a great distance, and not as regularly!

Reddunappy, I read the article twice and have some comments about it. I'll try to blog them.

Melissa, then you have the world's best donkey. If I only heard that noise 3 times a year, I'd be glad. Actually, since you hear it so seldom, I assume your donkey has all his needs met in a timely fashion. They seem to bray, like horses neigh, when they want something.

Achieve1dream said...

Yes I love Zep's bray. :-D