Saturday, May 3, 2014

What we eat - How we eat it

When I moved here in 2007 I had little love for the dish set my husband used. It only took a few months for me to go numb and just not look at the dishes while I ate. (I did and still appreciate that he had a complete dish set, along with a complete pan set, mixing bowl set, and all the utensils I would ever need.)

Recently after we'd reached critical low-dish-count after years of normal-use-attrition, he said it's time, and we spent a lot, a lot of time online trying to find a set we both liked.

You all know how I love squares, but so many dish sets seemed to be trying too hard. Yah, pretentiously square sets are common today.

We finally settled on a set and for Christmas last year, J's parents bought it for us. Then, to minimize the affects of attrition, he bought us a whole 'nother set of the same thing. We have enough dishes (and wine glasses) for a party of 12, if everyone has both red and white wine!

I sorted and carefully packed the Iris with Stripes set up and J took them to the "goodwill" after trying to decide if they're simply too ugly to donate and should just be tossed (literally tossed - in a German wedding tradition).

I'm thrilled with the new set, though J tells me I use the bowls incorrectly (I use the sauce bowls as soup/salad bowls). That reminds me, J had to teach me the use of the tiny dessert fork and egg cup. Such fanciness!

Much less ugly!

Egg cups are in the middle, rear row, and sauce bowls are on the right, rear row.


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Oh, you would be really disgusted with my dish (ahem) "set" or "sets". We have pieces from 6 different sets dating as far back as the 1950's, some with chips in them, some ceramic and some plastic, and just the other day I bought 8 plastic bowls with psychedelic flowers all over them because they were just the right size and depth for cereal. When company comes over, we all have different dishes and bowls. Thankfully, we don't have company over often.

AareneX said...

I'm like NM, having inherited bits and pieces of three different but similar white with blue stripe sets.

I actually enjoy the disparity, and when I wanted to have a "fancy tea party" with my friends, spent days scouring thrift shops for a wide variety of tea pots and cups and saucers that didn't go together at all. Part of the fun of the party was each person being able to choose a cup, saucer, and teapot that went with the PERSON rather than the set!

hainshome said...

When I started reading, I thought the set you guys picked out was the one with the irises! I was relieved to see the white ones- much better! :) Oh, and because I know you'll appreciate it, I'll correct your word usage. "to minimize the affects of attrition" should be "effects". You're welcome. ;)
-the sister

lytha said...

NM, I think the 50s stuff is charming! Let's see your dish set!

Aarene, I do appreciate being able to choose a mug that goes with me.

Becky, oops, I missed that, I'm usually careful about affect and effect. If I misspell the word definitely, please shoot me. To wound, not to kill, so I can serve as a reminder to others who misspell definitely.

Achieve1dream said...

It's been so long since I've seen my dishes I don't even remember what they look like, but I'm fairly certain they are plain white lol. They are still in storage by the way... :(

What the heck is an egg cup?? And more than one type of bowl? I would be so lost in Germany LOL!!!