Last night our friendly neighborhood Foerster came to the door to tell us they'd be hunting tomorrow. We love his visits, it's always interesting. He told me he didn't want my horse getting scared and I said it's no problem. I told him how in America, we outfit ourselves in orange to avoid getting shot in the woods, but if people did that here, it would be ridiculous - only professional hunters shoot in the woods, and they put up signs and tell the neighborhood first.
We wished him good luck. I assumed it would be no problem because Mara has heard gunshots and they don't bother her.
I had no idea how much the hunters would freak her out. They arranged themselves at intervals around the little wood across the street and waited. One had an Irish Setter with him, this was the one Mara could see from her paddock. They all wore blaze orange or green and had rifles.
They just stood there, and that is what freaked the horses out.
The horses across the street were also quite upset.
Mara kept going to the gate to the pasture and trying to leave, and finding it closed, over and over. She stood in her giraffe pose staring at that statue-still guy who "DOESN'T BELONG!!!"
Since people walk across that field often, it was apparently the way those hunters were just standing still that freaked the horses out. Also, they were using whistles to communicate, so that's new.
Poor Mara, I couldn't comfort her, and she was shaking all over. I got a video. This was how she was shaking when she saw the reindeer (I still have to blog that).
Finally they whistled a code to each other and all came together down on the street. One had a huge rabbit over his shoulders. RABBIT? Come on guys.
I guess Mara knows about hunters now. Hopefully next year won't be so bad for her.
You can see the hunter on the right.
New Years Update: After this occurred, I contacted my vet, showing him the video of her trembling, and asking him for "something" for Mara. He prescribed Zylkene and we started that a couple days before the 31st. I think it helped, I stayed up with her through all the fireworks - our neighbors all have their own private displays, which means even directly next door, they fire off rockets 50 meters away from my horse and donkey.
I was so scared I would get hurt I had to stand under cover. But Mara only trembled a few minutes, and was pretty OK with the horror for the most part. Bellis was what you'd call "uncomfortable" - she stood with her ears pricked toward the neighbors' yard, with a worried look in her eyes. But she also took many breaks to eat the extra hay I gave them. Mara couldn't eat, and she sprayed out fluid poop every few minutes, but she wasn't moving erratically, her bodily movements were not quick, she was keeping it under control. (Way better than the 3rd reindeer experience earlier that day....still must blog that, sorry.)
It actually made me mad that people shoot fireworks off so close to flight animals, knowing what might result (next door is the show-jumper lady). Last year I pulled 26 rockets out of my pasture on the 1st. Today, the 1st again, I see my field is, again, littered with fireworks. It's a horsefield, neighbors, come on, can't you fire them into the field across the street with no horses? My man told me today that Herr S who owns the boarding stable across the street stays home each Silvestser to watch over the horses. Well, honestly, you can do both, watch fireworks and care for flight animals - it's his grandkids shooting them off in the street in front of his house.
We made it through the night, and I'm gonna keep Mara on a low dose of Zylkene over the next couple months. I couldn't sleep after that hunter thing, realizing she needs help.
Oh, that poor pony - hated seeing her shaking like that. Good idea on the dose of anti-anxiety medication. I'm sure she and Bellis appreciated your presence in the line of fire and fireworks. In her own way (not totally in the usual sense), she seems pretty high strung. Wish I could wave a wand and make her have a more peaceful demeanor. Does seem like she tries to be good and please you (at least some part of the time).
Loved the photos of Mara's parents, she comes from handsome stock! She is so so so pretty and feminine and solid to me. I'm glad you were able to find/obtain these photos.
Y'all have a wonderful 2014!
Yikes! I was so busy dealing with the dog that I have no idea how my horses handled all the fireworks and firecrackers. The race car driver / mechanic behind us was firing them off. This morning I set a trash can down on the driveway, and the horses were so freaked out about it that they wouldn't go in their stalls for breakfast. I'd ask the neighbors to clean up the horse pasture themselves. If they are lazy, maybe they'll fire them elsewhere next year... or better yet, not at all.
Interesting! They're all hunting...a wabbit? >g<
Also about the drugs, and her reaction to the fireworks. She's strung so tightly.
DEFINITELY want to hear about the reindeer!!!!
Kay, that's nice of you to say, cuz I was wondering at the time if my being there helped at all. You're right about Mara's character - she's a freak but at least she likes people. I am realizing it more and more as people meet her, she tries to nuzzle their faces like a dog would. I love how solid Mara is too, I really wanted a stocky one after seeing so many flimsy Arabs while shopping. It will be so nice when she's not fat someday, I cannot help but call her "butterball."
NM, I wish the neighbors would pick up the fireworks after I clean them out of my pasture (I leave them in a pile on the street). I'm sure I'm breaking etiquette, probably I'm supposed to get rid of them myself but I just won't do it, it's clear in this neighborhood that I do not attend the firework displays, so I don't think I should have to take everything to my garbage container. Oh, and I really don't want anyone in my pasture, I just wish they would shoot them the other way, but perhaps that's not even possible.
Aarene, I'm so mad I forgot my camera this week when we visited the reindeer - there were two large herds right next to the fence staring at us. It was terrifying when they suddenly stampeded, it was awesome but terrifying for Mara. The biggest one with the biggest antlers kept himself between us and his herd, it was pretty cool. Lots of the babies had spots and were grayish in color.
The hunters got a hare, I guess I should get my animals straight. I think in Seattle we just call them all rabbits but the big ones are definitely hares. I asked them specifically to shoot crows, dangit.
Poor Mara! I can sympathize with her because I have bad anxiety and that's exactly how I feel sometimes. I hope the meds help her feel better.
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