Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mara frolicking and my new Zilco bridle and Toklat girth

I hate to see our pasture get torn up by frolicking hooved animals (last year, Ezra was the guilty one) but the more I see Mara galloping around, the more I realize she needs it.

So as my pasture gets torn up more and more and won't recover til May 2014, I have to remind myself what I always said when I boarded: The horse is more important than the appearance of the pasture. (But man, once you actually own a pasture, it's hard to see it getting torn up!)

Here is a youtube video of Mara frolicking. I accidentally trimmed her tail too short so she looks like an Icelandic horse. Oops. At least it doesn't have the stringy look from when she arrived. (Or the completely-matted-up-with-old-Vaseline-from-crupper-training look. What a mess.)

Here are some photos from October when our pasture wasn't yet ripped up, and some random photos.
How many horses are in this photo?

Eating donuts on the neighbor's lawn

Mara politely approaches me. I love how careful she is when she approaches me in the field.

Watch how these two mimic each other as they visit with my man, and then wonder if perhaps I have something good for them.

I wanted a new Toklat wool girth with elastic on both ends and two center rings and finally I got one. It would have been 100 Euros for the equivalent in Germany - in America it was 68$. I didn't really need it, I have a Toklat wool girth with one elastic side and one center D ring, I just didn't realize when you buy a new saddle, how much you want to accessorize.

She reminds me of Gussie from Ride a Good Horse in this photo. Gussie was my favorite.

The longer I have this horse, the gladder I am I picked the name Mara for her.


Tara said...

I know what you mean on the pasture, and not wanting to see it tore up....I am that way...I was difficult to try and balance my horses needs, with not tearing up the places we rented up there in WA.....we just got a new place, in the state we are moving to...and it's on 6 is a rental to.....hoping for it to be a pleasant time!

Laura said...

I totally get what you mean about seeing the pasture ripped up! lol In the warmer weather, I go out and reset the divots the horses make while running around! Now that it is winter, I watch all the frozen poop pile up and can't do much about it!

Love the bridle/girth/tack set up - it looks really nice!

AareneX said...

Pasture, ah well. Ours is solidly frozen, so Fee can jump around all she likes, that ground is not gonna budge until it thaws (next week, I hope). And then we'll be back to our regularly-scheduled Swamp, of course.

How are you both holding up in the sn*w/

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Since you have an endurance saddle, I will ask... What do you do with your lead rope when you ride? I usually wrap mine around the horn, but the endurance saddles have no horn. Do you remove it and put it in a saddle bag or do you tie it through the hole in the front?

Tara said...

Nuzzling, the lead is actually her reins, she has them un snapped, except for the one end....:)Tara

lytha said...

NM, I am still figuring that out, when I ride with a NH rope and not just my clip-on reins. In some photos you'll see a knotted up rope, where I tie a repeated slip knot all the way down it. It's not very convenient but I'm paranoid about having loose ropes on my saddle that might catch me if I fall. In the photo of Mara grazing with tack, I actually had two sets of clip-on reins that I had attached to each other so I could do some ground driving but that didn't work out - they weren't long enough.

Achieve1dream said...

I gave up on a pretty pasture years ago lol. I love Mara's name. I think you made the perfect choice for her. :)