Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My man wants to see what halloween is like, so..



AareneX said...

It took me a moment.


(and isn't that your birthday, also? I'm bad with dates...)

lytha said...

hi aarene, close - it's my sister's bday. this is a decade one for her too. i'll have to bring her something special from germany.

i'm bummed that there are no cmo rides during that time though. *sigh*

aarene, i wanted to tell you i'm consciously praising mara now, not just sometimes, subconsciously. and i'm laughing with her because tonight she was funny. i was just lunging her and she was cracking me up cuz she was flying around and i was running to keep up, and she was prancing over the cavaletti like they were twice as high. i think with 9 horses watching her, she feels like showing off. and the easyboots stayed on!!!!!!!!!!!! we'll see what happens but for the first time, i feel a great deal of hope. i will be calling around this weekend to see who can ride with me with their calm standardbred or calm appy mare. once mara sees that other horses agree with me that it's all really OK out there, i think things will move forward faster. there's hope for me and my mara skywalker (geek reference).

lytha said...

oh and one more thing made me crack up today - me and j were kissing next to the mare and she put her nose right up against our mouths, so it was some sort of three way kiss? hilarious. wait til you see the pics of j and mara together - they have a special kind of kissy relationship. no way do i let her do that to me!

kbryan said...

Yea for you both! It's nice to have a trip to look forward to. Sounds like you had a good time with her, Ian just picture her prancing around all full of herself. Hope for some pictures when you have time... Have a happy day!

AareneX said...

Awesomeness, full of awesomeness.

And you are *laughing* and that is full of even more awesomeness!

(I'll try to make sure that there's a Scary Story program while you're home...if not, maybe you'll come out to Haiku Farm for a small party? I'll invite storytellers!)

allhorsestuff said...

Too Cool!!!!!!
That's Gonna Be Fun, And So Special For Your Sister.
Hope You Get To Ride Too.

Laughing, Of Course...That's The Key! When WA It's Afraid...It Makes Me Chuckle And I Know It Helps Jelly My Body.

Oh Mara Mare, She Is Alluring. I'm Happy She Is So Wonderful. And The Boots Are Good!!!
I Took A Full On GALLOP today...Boots In Place...Then I Let
Her Float Her 7 +Mph Trot... "BIP"!

You're Gonna Have So Much Fun!

hainshome said...

Mom told me but I wasn't sure whether to believe it! You'll be here for my 40th!!! Woohoo!!!! OK now we'll have to plan something REALLY GREAT. :)

Becky said...


Achieve1dream said...

Yay glad you get to go home for a visit!

Oh on the last post I forgot to mention at least with all of the energy she has she will be a great endurance horse! :D