Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Little video of Mara free lunging

My husband helped me get a little video of Mara moving around in the neighbor's outdoor ring.



Anonymous said...

Her trot is mesmerizing. She's beautiful!

EvenSong said...

What a pretty girl!! And a lovely trot stride! She seemed a little "up" (ya think?) but was careful inthe soggy footing and settled nicely towards the end.

AareneX said...

She's def. got the moves like Jagger, and here's what else she's got: rhythm. Her footfalls in the sand arena are absolutely rhythmic at the trot--then she picks up a canter for a few strides, but returns to EXACTLY the same rhythmic trot as before.

My guess: you've got a nice endurance prospect there!

lytha said...

tina, wish you could see it in RL!

evensong, i was happy about that puddle, because she didn't freak out about it - she went in it when she had to, avoided it when she could, like a perfectly normal horse.

aarene, wow, you just made me glad i did not put music to that video (well if i did it probably would not be available outside the US *lol*) also, i felt a twinge of regret when my vet was here and he wanted to give her a lameness exam. at the time i said, "no worries, she's sound." and then thought, "oh crap...is she really, really sound?" but this video shows a sound horse, and i'm glad you confirm that. who is jagger?

the crossfiring at the canter, the upside-down carriage, i'm not too worried, i just had to share that trot, esp after your trip up north and that video of that standardbred. i saw that and thought, geez i wish i had an arena to let her loose in. well..i wonder if i could turn her loose next door...

tonight i got home late and she did some trot pirouettes with much head tossing - two complete 360s. i think it was a tantrum or something. not sure what that was about. i've never seen a grown horse do that, just foals, but the foals don't toss their heads in defiance. man i wish i knew what i've got. i feel like i've got one string off the package so far.

AareneX said...

Moves like Jagger: http://vimeo.com/30567004

(Not especially safe for work)

HHmstead said...

Nice, good cadence at the trot. Inverted, but that will change with time - as you teach her to carry herself. Love seeing the countryside too!

hainshome said...

Wow!! what a floating trot. that was fun to watch. Elise and I are dying to fly out there and ride her! :)

hainshome said...

Wow!! what a floating trot. that was fun to watch. Elise and I are dying to fly out there and ride her! :)

Achieve1dream said...

Dang she can really move out at the trot!!! I love when she went through the puddle and was stepping high. Cute! :) She such a pretty girl!

allhorsestuff said...

Ooh I Just Love The Way Her Hooves Sound On That Sand, With Her Floaty Trotting!

That Trot Reminds Me Of My Mares Long Trot Gait...I've Got To Two Point , Can't Post!

She's So Beautiful.