Thursday, November 1, 2012

Neighborhood walk and manure pics

I couldn't start this post with poop pics so here are some from our geocaching walk Sunday.

Again, we came across a field set up for horses temporarily at the edge of the woods, with a battery electric fence, and even halters hanging on the tree. No houses are near here, these horses are absolutely remote. I find this so odd!
*** This is a nice place to stop reading if you don't want to see poop.
For the people who wanted to see it, here you go: ) My husband's family reads my blog --or, they look at the pics--and they are sure to wonder about this one. This dark photo taken at night with a flash shows the state of the poop on Oct 31. It's not as loose as some out there but I think he's getting better. The smell is not better yet. On the left is some donkey poop for comparison.
Here is today's. Although Garlinghouse says, and I agree, that there should be some splat to it, this is still too much. I'll post as soon as I see improvement.


Christie Maszkiewicz said...

That picture in the pines with the path and the sunlight trickling in is just GORGEOUS!!! That's one to hang up on the wall!

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Nice pics. What I'm learning about getting older is that our diet has to change because our digestive tract becomes less tolerant. It seems like I'm becoming allergic to the foods I've eaten the most during my lifetime. It's hard to do much with a horse's diet, though, other than adjusting types of hay and supplements.

Unknown said...

hahaha told you it was fine to post pics of poo on your horse blog. Perfectly normal.

AareneX said...

It looks significantly better. How's he feeling?

White Horse Pilgrim said...

Lovely pictures of autumn. What a wonderful, beautiful season. I agree, the picture taken on that path through the pines is splendid.

The droppings don't look too bad at all. Should I be grateful that you can't post the smell of them?

lytha said...

poop update - today i found two cow patties out there, completely flat with no definition at all. also, the smell has not changed at all, it's rancid. is this just a typical part of dealing with senior horses? the problem is made worse by the fact that he wears a Horseware Amigo blanket with the "poop-catcher" tail strap. it's ridiculous even when your horse expells healthy poop. when something goes awry, it's disgusting. a full blob of poop was coating the strap today, rubbing on his butt as he walked, and of course his tail is full of it. i loves these blankets but this is one thing about them i'd change.

Achieve1dream said...

Wow the pictures in the trees are gorgeous!!!

Poor Baasha. So far I haven't had to deal with prolonged loose stool in horses so I don't have any suggestions. I hope the blood work clears things up for you.