Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sleeping in Light

I dreamt Baasha died. He drowned in Puget Sound, by the downtown Seattle ferry dock, where I'd once ridden him. The police said "We found a white horse over here, running around" but it was a chestnut. AGH. Then I looked down into the black water and saw him, it was awful.

I woke up ran outside to check him. I ground tied him and took off his blanket and brushed all the exposed parts that had dried mud. I deep cleaned his feet, and trimmed them. I shaved his freeze brand to show people that he's marked.

I washed his tail.

He nuzzled my hair as I worked on his feet - for the first time ever.

I found the reddish tinge of blood as I filed his feet - the icy ground must be hurting him. His feet were not long, I'd trimmed them last month, but they looked snow/ice tender.

I made him an extra large warm beet pulp mash tonight - it barely fit in the bucket.

I will run out there tomorrow morning and dote on him again.

I know he can't live forever, but being reminded was not nice. I have had Baasha more years than I haven't, and I'm almost 40. I don't know what I'll do without him.

I hate those dreams.


Sleeping in Light is the final episode of my favorite series, Babylon 5 (better than Trek!), one impossible to watch without crying.


I have a new point and shoot camera and am experimenting with zoom. These photos are Baasha standing 30 meters from my bathroom where I took them. I played with a low pixel zoom from there. These have been edited in the gimp to reduce brightness and increase contrast.


Mare said...

Yikes, I hate those dreams...Been there done that with those types of nightmares...and the wost part is that fact that waking up doesn't make them any less disturbing:(

Sending good thoughts your way...

But really, better than Trek?!

Leah Fry said...

That is a disturbing dream. But it sounds like Baasha appreciated the extra attention he got.

Dom said...

What a terrible dream :(

lytha said...

Mare, I am a huge next gen fan (convention goer, etc) but I have to say B5 is better. It's hard for me to say that but once you watch it you will understand. It has many Lord of the Rings similarities (and many names are almost exactly stolen) but it has this ongoing arc that continues the entire 7 seasons. (So you can't just watch an episode and know what is going on, usually.) It's grittier/more real than Trek, but not nearly as rough as Galactica. I am currently showing my man next gen for his first time and we are really enjoying it - although I'd enjoy it more if we were watching it in English!

Leah, I realized something about my dreams today. I often dream of things I'm afraid will happen (brakes going out on the horse trailer, losing my temper, having to take a test at a uni. class I never attended!) but I was a bit consoled today when I realize it's just worry expressing itself. I hate to think of the fact that I'd ever lose my temper as I do in my dreams!

Dom, I've had some really good dreams this week, so vivide I felt I was really there - I hope to have more good ones soon! (Does it really matter what you eat? My parents say eating dessert makes you dream.)

Autumn Mist said...

I had a dream last year, before Barnaby was mine, that hubby jumped into a river on him and Barnaby broke his leg and drowned. I woke up absolutely sobbing and never want to have a bad dream like that again. (I was much more concerned about him than I was about hubby in the dream!) The pics of Baasha are beautiful.

Rising Rainbow said...

I hate dreams like that too. It's tough enough when the day actually comes without having dry runs in sleep. You have had some very scary dreams lately. I feel for you.

Glad you got some grooming time in on Baasha. I'm sure he enjoyed that. It always cracks me up when I'm grooming on a particularly aloof horse and he/she begins really enjoying the grooming. Can't help but show appreciate and that facade comes down. Makes me laugh.

Looks like your camera did a nice job for you. Wish I understood what I was doing with mine. LOL

Reddunappy said...

I hote those kind of dreams!!!
He looks great! Know what you mean, I have one we have had for 22 years! and one for 20 years! The youngest I have had for 9 years!!
I keep them for life!

AareneX said...

I consider the dreams about brake failures to be warnings from my subconscious...and I've rarely been sorry when I took the dream seriously and got my brakes checked.

As for dreams about our horse fears...they are the worst. But maybe the dreams are a tool to get us ready to cope with the inevitable. I had those dreams a lot in the last year of Story's life, but I did NOT have them in the final two weeks, after I'd made "the last appointment" with the vet. Facing reality was, perhaps, a little easier because my subconscious had been helping me to practice a bit beforehand.

cdncowgirl said...

I've had similar dreams... always creepy and unsettling!

Anonymous said...

Water dreams actually tend to be about our emotions more than anything else. So this dream could simply be telling you that you are feeling a huge amount of deep dark emotions (as that was how you characterized the water) regarding your horse, or something your horse represents, even. Your horse may represent you in this dream, even.

Just so you don't worry it was prophetic in some way.

allhorsestuff said...

Wayyy too many strange dreams girl! First the one about Wa and now this are waking up in your dream cycle.

Love the zoom on your new camera (what did ys get, did you say?). Baasha is so adorable and winter fuzzy.
SO glad you have thawed out!

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

Oh gosh, I HATE having dreams like that. I walk around freaked out for days afterward sometimes.

Funder said...

What a scary dream. I have crazy vivid dreams all the time, but I forget them almost as soon as I wake up - for better or worse.

Don't you love being able to spy on your horse as he hangs out peacefully? :)

Unknown said...

I had that kind of dream twice in 2 days about my "grandpa"-cat. He is 14 already :-(
Perhaps it shows us to pay more attention to our beloved each day?

lytha said...

Keia, you're right about that - every day with a senior pet is precious.

Kacy, I bought another Canon Powershot - I love those things! This is an SX130IS, with 12X zoom, which isn't much but it's a heck of a lot more than what I had with the old Powershot, which is 6 years old. You'd laugh if you were there for my decision to buy a new camera. I was standing on this viewing tower looking straight at Mt Rainier and as much as I tried, I couldn't get my old camera to zoom in enough to make it more than a dot on the horizon. I was so pissed, cuz in RL the mountain was *right there* ya know? So I said SCREW THIS I'm going to Best Buy and saw the new Powershot for only 199$. I'm not ready for an SLR so I've got to learn about this new camera's features and make do. I just love zooming in on my horse when he's so far away he cannot possibly realize I'm taking his photo - as you know he's terribly camera shy and usually turns away from cameras. I can't wait til the neighbors turn their mares out again so I can get some close ups of them grazing.

White Horse Pilgrim said...

That is a frightening dream. However take comfort from the psychology of dreams. One person, creature or object can take the place of another. The event may be symbolic. Your unconscious may be afraid of losing something precious. Or you may have heard of an event involving loss or drowning and transfered the thought. (Dreams are triggered by an event, memory or idea encountered during the preceding day. Did you see something on the news, hear a story, etc that may have been a trigger?) There are other concepts at work too - I'm not diagnosing this dream but just suggesting how odd dreams can be - for instance what might be the meaning of a policeman disappointing you with false information or being an authority figure who let you down?

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh no. I hope your dream is not a premonition? I've had dreams like that, and then when something similar comes true, I get the goosebumps on my neck realizing it deja vu.

It's wonderful when our horses nuzzle our faces and heads, though. Apache does that sometimes when I take a book up to her paddock and *try* to read. If I'm wearing a hat, she will take it off and walk away with it. lol!

Your camera takes nice shots, especially zoom.


Unknown said...

I hate those dreams. Sorry you had one. I have had them too. Wake up balling like a little kid...

Once Upon an Equine said...

That's a terrible nightmare. I'm glad you woke up and discovered it was just an awful dream.