Years ago Cheryl C. took me for an endurance training ride in Fall City and there was this old dilapitated bra strapped around a tree. I had the idea that this should be done properly, so I started bringing my old bras to this trail.
Then I started asking my friends to bring their bras. Going up the hillside, we'd all have bras attached to our horse's breastcollars. (Breastcollars, of course.)
Then we'd dismount, tie the horses, and start putting bras on trees. We took this seriously, doing it right meant finding the right size tree so the bra could be strapped on, and raising the shoulder straps and trying to attach them to the bark. OK you can't really be that serious when you're snickering.
My mountain biker friend got into it when we rode together--bike+horse--filling the bra cups with rocks and pinecones to make them fullfigured.
I should mention I was very careful to only do this on this one particular trail section, and I hung up signs at the beginning that said "The Unmentionble Trail."
Soon after other people started hanging their own bras, or not even hanging them but just throwing them up into the branches. I was shocked to see the, uh, flair some people have. (Mine were all decent and black, *giggle*)
Other people added more funny signs to go with the setting. I think some were the Backcountry Horsemen signs.
A few years later we had a CMO ride up there and I just had to know. At the starting line I pressed the ride manager for information about the trail ahead of us. I said "Will there be bras on this ride?" and he couldn't say, he can't discuss the trail until it is open to riders. Well finally it was my turn - I got my map, and sure enough, one of the clues was "38C" - I was like, "HEY that's gotta be one of mine!" *lol*
Now I hear that this bra trail is still maintained with bras by locals. Isn't that cool?
Just this morning I got an email from my mountain biker friend with a new photo from this trail. (Hey, doesn't ACTHA mean a competitive trail ride?)
Oh my. I've been in Germany too long. I just googled my bra trail and found it described in many mountain biking forums, as well as Seattle's Horsebytes blog. But I distinctly remember seeing maps with Bra Trail marked before I started bringing bras here - so apparently the old one gave it the name? Or is there some history that goes way back before my time?
Take a look at the map - see where it says Bra? That's it. Also, see where it says Beaver Pond? Riiiiight. That is a whole 'nother story. The story that came up this week as my man said "What is this scar on your knee?" And I said, "This one?" "No, this big one."
"Oh, there was this beaver pond in Fall City, and one day the beavers had a structural problem with their dam...."
Human is Broken
1 day ago
LOL! That is the funniest thing ever. We have lots of little teddies in a wood near us. I think someone organised a teddy bear's picnic once, and some of them got left behind - it's very sweet, though. I might put up a bra, but afterwards I'd never admit it was mine!
Gosh, you'd just need acorns for one of mine! What a great trail, I have to add it to my horse trail bucket list!
Hey, I got an email flyer for that ACTHA ride--It's a "Pink Ribbon" ride to benefit breast cancer research, so the "Bra Trail" is certainly appropriate! It's interesting to hear the "herstory" of the trail markers, and that you knew them when...
I love the Bra Trail. Haven't been there for a few years...gotta go back!
I think this is great.
Gave me a good giggle.
Thanx for sharing.
This post made me smile, as did the pictures. I would love to ride the bra trail - and maybe even make a contribution!
That's hysterical! Your undies are famous. AareneX and EvenSong, yall really should go and take pictures.
Oh how cool that there was an ACTHA CTR ride on the Bra Trail. lol!
I can't imagine that going off too well here as we have lots of children and men folk riding the ACTHA CTR's. I'm sure there'd be complaints...and maybe offers to hang up their BVD's and Sport's cups? lol!
I didn't realise that bras wore out that quickly that you'd have a good supply to hang up there. Well, one lives and learns.
Did anyone win the booby prize?
I suppose that in Germany you'd have to call it the "Bustenhalterweg". (I remember the word for bra from a German translation of the Python Lumberjack Song - odd what sticks in the mind, isn't it?)
I'll bet that gets the Boy Scouts twittering.
That's not too far from me, I'll have to check this trail out, too funny!
The trails we rode on in fall city are closed. Someone bought the land and horses are not aloud to be there any more. The county is fighting for us but it has been sad not to be able to ride up there any more.
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