This was the horses' last day on the big field together. Carsten is coming next week to make hay.

On the far left you can see Mr. S's horses, the escape artist mares. They are gorgeous and I love watching them play after it rains.

I asked the owners to bring him a rain jacket cuz the horses have no shelter currently, and it has been raining a lot. In fact, the vet said when he is being treated for rain rot, he has to be kept dry. We will have to have another talk with them today. Actually, the talk where we ask them to take him away, because it's not right that they have no shelter.

Here's the pony pinning his ears at Baasha because Baasha is trying to get too close to him.

Since the horses have been on the two grazing strips, the pony has made our first real mud on our farm (it's worse now than in this photo). He nipped me the other day to show me he was displeased about not being allowed on the big field. I suddenly feel that shoe on the other foot - trying to preserve pasture grass at the expense of the horses' happiness! As a boarder, I hated seeing barn owners's lush fields and horses not on them. My opinion was always it's better to have happy horses than healthy grass, but because our field is also a hay field, things have changed.

This is the one time I caught them cantering together. The city is resurfacing our street and the horses were so curious (esp. Baasha), they wanted to be as close to the machinery as possible.

On a sunny day, the black pony has his own swarm of flies constantly swirling around him. They are not biting flies, just normal flies, but I still feel sorry for him, and have a hard time grooming him. I asked his owner to bring fly spray but they both said he doesn't need it.

Have you ever met a horse who backwashes? Nasty!

It sure is nice watching them graze together. It was a good learning experience for us, having the pony, and we'll keep trying.
I thought they all backwashed LOL.
Sorry the pony is not working out for you. I'm not sure it's ever 100% perfect, though.
I'm sorry the pony didn't work out. :(
Dixie likes to rinse her mouth out - her water get gross pretty fast. But the new TB gelding where she stays, now HE backwashes like woah! Ewwww.
Apache sucks up water, swishes it around to rinse her mouth out...but instead of letting it backwash out of her mouth, she swallows it. I can only imagine how nasty and inconvenient it is to have a backwashing horse during the winter time. ewwww!
The photo of them running together is beautiful. Even the pony has beauty.
Sorry about the pony not working out, but I hope the transition goes well for Baasha. I'd expect that he will be very upset for the first 24-48 hours, then he will be very relaxed, quiet and calm and will be napping and munching grass peacefully again.
I hope we can both find good pasture mates for our horses soon.
The pony reminds me of Blackjack at our barn. Small, black with many white hairs on his face.
But BJ is sweet and timid.
Hope you find another companion for Baasha that is actually nice to him.
So sorry it didn't work out, :(
I think it helps that my two knew each other long before the Pali became mine...We have known him since he was a weanling..spent a few years with each other at a boarding barn, and almost always, they were turned out togeather. My Pinto has the clingy personality, screams for the pali, lol... the pali will call for the pinto some... When they were at the boarding barn togeather, if either was turned out in the big pasture, instead of the indvidual turn out lots, they both would stay away from the other horses....
You have a beautiful place there. One of my horse (Dusty) will take a mouthful of water and save it to deposit it on my back or head when I get close enough. I've really got to smarten up about this and stop getting a bath from her.
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