I say Californians cuz it appears that CTR is very popular in CA, and most of the license plates on the trucks and trailers said CA. Weird, huh?
I have to explain a few of the wacky details that are CTR.
- You'll be riding along and come to a sign "Vet check ahead-only forward motion from here." This is the point where endurance riders often get off, to walk their horses in. In CTR they don't allow you to dismount and lead your horse along - you have to ride. And once you see the vet check sign, you are obligated to continue forward motion - that is, you cannot stop until you arrive in the check. So the riders all hang out at the sign, hoping their horse will pulse down when they arrive in camp.
- Any food your horse consumes along the course must be brought in your saddle bags. You cannot send your beet pulp/grain/carrots out to the vet checks - you have to carry them. I found out the hard way how stupid it is to put beet pulp in a cantlebag. Ziplock malfunction. (BTW, you are allowed to hand graze your horse at vet checks if there is grass.)
- You cannot use show sheen or hoof oil, cuz it might give you an advantage in the condition scoring (*lol*). In fact you cannot put anything on your horse topically that might give you an advantage in your horse's appearance or comfort. The horses legs must be free of protective boots (splint boots, SMBs, bell boots, etc.) Icing after the ride is not allowed.
- Mount from the right side without a mounting block. OMGosh he's 15.2. OK, let's try that. (That did not go so well.)
- Back down this hill into a puddle. Then back back up a hill again, nearby. Wow, that was hard! But we did it. Asking a horse to BACK into a huge puddle is a trick.
- Ride a steep incline. I was marked down for not getting my butt completely out of the saddle.
- Cross a natural bridge. That was easy.
Those are just some examples of our day.
We went on happily trotting and then I saw this flash of red - a rider on a chestnut horse racing impossibly fast through the trees in front of us. I thought, "Crazy! Way too fast!" and then I heard her cussing. Cussing at her horse. At Shieky. I know that horse, I know that rider! She's always trying to stop him. I couldn't catch up because of my pace limit.
I said, "HEY!"
She said, "OH! What are you doing here?"
I said, "A CTR ride. Come along with me, it'll be fun."
(WRONG. WRONG...MISTAKE!!!) But at the time, no warnings flashed in my mind.
We rode together for exactly 3 miles, chatting away happily.
Then the ride manager's husband was there, asking me what the heck I was doing, cheating like this.
He said I was using Shiek, to "pull" my horse along on the ride, to cheat.
(I'm sorry, I don't know the term, is that "drafting horse"?)
That was not my intention. I told my friend, "Sorry, I can't ride with you. Apparently there is a rule that non-entered horses cannot be on course."
She sighed and went on her way.
I went the last 35 or so miles alone, and ended well.
"I hate to say this, but I have to disqualify you."
"WHAT!? Why?"
"The others say you cheated. That you used a drag horse." (Is that what it's called?)
I said, "Oh, I ran into a friend, but when they saw her, they sent her on her way."
"It's too bad about that, because I cannot allow you to finish. According to the other riders, you cheated."
I....am a cheater?!! Never, not in horsey sports. (On high school tests ok, but not in what matters)
No way.
"You are disqualified."
Then I hitched my trailer back up (it was Saturday night), put Mac in, and drove home.
The next day I sent my friend an email, "Hey girl, you got me disqualified." Kind of jokingly.
She sent me back, "No way! That is not possible, how is that? Find OUT!"
And rules and rules and rules and what the heck, where is the rule about this?
I found none.
There IS none.
I was mad. I was disqualified for nothing???!
I wrote NATRC. Please, please let me be justified here.
After studying the rules, I know that anyone can be disqualified from practically any sport for something called "unsportsmanlike behavior."
And with that surprising conclusion, I knew I would never try the sport again.
(The photos are of Mac at various endurance and CMO rides.)
Sounds like a clicky group. I hate it when you do good and the "in" crowd cause problems. Sorry you had such a bad experience.
From what I understand the competative trail that Lisa is doing is more layed back, not timed, like an endurance race. It sounds much more fun!
Dude that is super super super lame. Sounds like a nasty little group you had the misfortune to tangle with there; can't have the upstart come in and win all their ribbons! If it wasn't something super lame then, it would have been something super lame later.
I hope you find better people to ride that event with, because it sounds like fun!
It may not be the sport that's the problem, but the people who were involved in the sport in your area at the time. I certainly wouldn't feel welcome after that.
I told you about the time I showed Gabbrielle at halter, and even though she was the only horse in the class, the judge didn't want to award the ribbon, because she was pissed that I trotted her too far down the line. It was my first show. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing and no one was helping me.
Yup, I remember you telling me about this incident, and I remember thinking that it was definitely more about the individuals than about the sport.
Also, I've met the RM's husband. He is an idiot.
Awww, that seems so unfair!
That's crazy stuff! I'm so glad that the CTR's that ACTHA provides have none...absolutely none....of those stupid rules.
We don't even have vet checks. Only at the very end is there a lameness test, where you are asked to trot a figure 8 around two cones. Very simple and quick.
Horses are always permitted to drink anytime they want, even before a lameness test, of course!
And all horses are permitted to wear leg and hoof protection if needed.
There's no need for food on the rides since they are never more than 8-10 miles long. Most are only 6 miles long.
Yes, all riders who participate must be registered, but that is for insurance reasons and for the organization of the ride and for the safety of all the riders.
It seems not all CTR's are created equally. I would never ride in a CTR like the one you rode in. What an awful experience for you.
ACTHA has much more simpler, fairer, laid back, less controlling and much more fun rides than that NACTR you write about.
Thank goodness!
Cor, that's pathetic, isn't it? Clutching at straws. That kind of thing really puts me off. At the moment we are doing pleasure rides, but I think Zak could do endurance as he's so fit, so we'll see what happens.
Nothing will ruin a sport quicker than a click. The sportsman like thing for them to have done was since you were a newbie, correct you on the infraction, and if you continued on....then things should have been fine. I've done only five endurance rides and I'm STILL finding out do's and don'ts as I go along. So far they haven't disqualified a good ride :(
Sorry that happened to you. There are other CTR organizations besides NATRC do a little research and you may find one in your area. We have OAATS here in the midwest. Rules are much more sensible than NATRC.
Sipping coffee and being p o 'd for you.
You'll be amused to hear that currently we're having a spat with the endurance riding community. They marked the most recent 40 mile route around this area by spray painting red and orange markings on trees using oil-based paint that won't wash off in the rain. Not just a few markings at key intersections, but many markings all along the trails as if endurance riders can't read maps and lack confidence!
Reddunappy - you're right. They go by the same name but they are different sports entirely!
Sirjeviise - that helps, thank you.
NM, please tell us the story of that show, I am not familiar with it.
Aarene, yes, my conversation with the RM's husband the night before the ride was interesting. I won't ever forget it.
FV, I am no cheater, but the appearance of cheating is enough, I guess.
Lisa, I wish you could try CMO. It's totally casual, laid back, and like ACTHA, the rule book is very short (in comparison to the NATRC rulebook, huge!).
Autumn Mist, I think that was what it was. Straws. Horrible!
Endurance Granny, that is what I thought too - that since I'm a newbie, they would correct me and let me go on, esp. since I broke no rule. But no, *sigh*. But I don't think you know where I live now. I'm in Germany, where there is no CTR/CTC/CMO and the endurance rides here are ...........yah, I don't want to sound rude, but nothing I'd ever want to do myself. Talk to Equestrian Vagabond (blogger) and she will give a clear picture of the differences between endurance in the US and in Europe/Elsewhere. Like she says, "It's a whole 'nother sport."
WHP, I wrote to your blog cuz I'm pretty late getting to my comments here...
what total crap! clique is right. come ride endurance with us in Idaho! even though it's in our rules (I didn't know that) we wouldn't've DQ'd you!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
Thanks for visiting my blog all the way over in Africa - it's nice to 'meet' you, & to find your blog, too ! I think that's great that you flew with your horse (who's gorgeous, by the way !) all the way over to Germany so that the two of you could be together - just the sort of thing that I, as a fellow animal lover, would do, too :)
Lynda, Kilimanjaro, East Africa
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