I realize that if we were not trapped by the confines of a roundpen, my horse would not be so subdued, hehe.
I really love this photo.
I'm Lytha from West Seattle, Washington. I moved to NRW, Germany in 2007 and married a wonderful German man who understands my love of horses and fulfilled my dream of living the last 2/3 of my life in the country, with my horse in my backyard.
Look at those ears - he's listening to you!
Happy Easter! Great photo...looks nice frame it for your mann.
Baasha seems to be a very calm and peaceful horse!
Baasha is a good boy some days! It's nice you got a picture of one of those. >g<
Did he get a sugar bunny in his feed bucket this morning? Or did he leave one for you, perhaps?
Beautiful, well lit, a wonderful moment captured.
Round pens come in handy...
The first thing I thought was "Nice photo Lyth!!" :)
You both have such sweet and peaceful expressions on your faces! ;-D
I like that picture too!
I'm not a geocacher but I like your coordinates shirt enough that I might have to get one made up for me, or maybe two representing both Ontario and here !
Ontario 44.06N,-78.4 W
Tennessee 35.8N, -87.6 W
Great shot indeed!! That is a Poster if I ever saw one...so what words would you use?
OH...what are the coordinates of where you are now?
Pensive - though he may be - he looks to be waiting for your direction!
Heads up...want a laugh? Go to Wa mare blog...she has a video that is kinda cute.
HAPPIEST of Easter Tides Lovely friend...kiss that man+horse they are goodies!
That IS a great photo. He does seem to be listening to you.
That is a fantastic photo:) How is everything there?? We've got sun over here and more of it this week with some warmer weather..I imagine you will have close to the same.
funder, listening even though i'm just sitting there daydreaming? hehehe, weird.
frau, thank you! if i'd know a photographer would be there that day, i'd have worn make up. no pics of me in frames without make up!
whitegummy, he was very naughty, prancing and neighing to a "friend" he'd only just met, only moments before the picture. he embarrasses me a lot when he's around other horses.
aarene, exactly. some days; ) we have no peeps here. in fact all the easter stuff is chocolate, and i shouldn't complain, it's very nice chocolate. but this year i had the craving for peeps and coloring eggs. we spent the day sick in bed, my man and i. i actually colicked from something, no idea what. i had no gut sounds until 3 am, and my extremeties were cold as my body worked on whatever it was with my metabolism. i never get sick so this was a very rare day.
breathe, wish we had a real roundpen here.
cdn, thank you!
evensong, i'm spacing out, and he's somehow listening to me. very strange!
melissa, thank you!
jason, the rest of the coords are on the shirt too, but you can't see them under the scarf. 47 122 puts me in china, so i got another shirt just like it for free, with 47, -122! how can ontario be 44? isn't it north of seattle? *confused*
kacy, i made some posters of baasha this week, inspired by yours.
leah, thank you!
sonya, as i said above, we have been sick in bed this weekend, my man and i. we had to put a dark sheet over the window so the gorgeous sunshine would not disturb our "sick room". how sad, huh? the neighbors made a fire right outside our home and it really scared me, thinking our house was burning.
Unfortunately Jason is out of town for a few days and I don't know the answer to your question!
He is very excited about getting shirts with his home coordinates on them though - VERY excited!!
In Western Canada, the border follows 49 N, but in most of Eastern Canada the border dips south considerably. In Ontario, it actually touches 42 degrees N at it's southernmost point, which is directly across Lake Erie from Cleveland, Ohio. I lived directly across Lake Ontario from Olcott, NY. Type it into google maps and see where it puts you ! You'll be surprised.
I can't remember whether I answered this or not, so here goes.... !!
Yes, I grew up in Ontario, and yes, home for me is 3 degrees latitude SOUTH of Seattle ! In western Canada the border is static along the 49th parallel. When the border gets to the Great Lakes it follows the lakes and the lakes go a long way south....below 42 degrees north at the southernmost point in the country, which is just across Lake Erie from Cleveland, Ohio. In the remaining distance to the Atlantic, the border never again recovers 49 degrees north again. Neat, eh ?
You look truly happy and peaceful and so does he! Send me a picture of the 3 of you! Love, Mom
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