Monday, March 15, 2010

Hurry up

Bloggers are talking about new buds on bushes, even sprouting leaves and flowers. Grass that is turning green.

We are way behind you. Our grass cannot see light of day, so it cannot know what season it is. I'm not sure it will ever happen, but Baasha's haircoat is finally starting to let loose. That's a good sign.


Sonya said...

Thankfully our snow is all gone. I can see green's all muddy fro the rain we are now getting but it's better than the white stuff. Hopefully soon you will be seeing the same:)

Unknown said...

I'm sending you sunshine. But one word of warning, it comes with gnats.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Sorry about all the snow, we have had lots of rain nice to have the dirty snow gone. Sophie is shedding her winter coat too. Have a wonderful Monday!!

AareneX said...

I'm sorry to make it worse...but although we had plenty of rain last night, today is sunny and bright here.

I can still send you some mud, though, if you want it. I know there's probably some mud around here someplace.

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

Gorgeous weather here as well. Daffodils blooming, grass greening and growing, buds on trees . . . but to make you feel better I saw a fly the other day and the horses all look like mudballs.

photogchic said...

Ahhh...can we tease you that if you were back in the NW, you would have had a glorious winter:-)

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

All that green and flowering makes me nervous.

The year before last that's what we had, too. Two months of warmth and blooming fruit trees.

And then on Memorial Day weekend.....we got blasted with hail and snow.

All the fruit tree blooms froze and died and we had no fruit harvest that year.

I don't think I'd be counting my Spring chickens so soon.
Heck we just got 9" of fresh snow dumped on us yesterday here in New Mexico.

Spring? No just yet.
