It was a nice, easy read told in one of my favorite settings, camping with horses. It was California, so I am not familiar with the native plants she described. (Cilantro underfoot? Really?) It sounded very exotic to me.
It's a mystery, and it was fun trying to guess who the bad guy was. It really spoke to my sneaky side, because the main character did some tresspassing. Exciting!
The book used one of my favorite lines, "Lord willing and the creek don't rise." I hadn't heard that one in years!
This book will be most enjoyed by mothers, especially new mothers. A good deal of the book describes the feelings of motherhood and the bond between mother and child.
Surprisingly the book has a very dark overtone as the main character ponders the nature of death and the afterlife. It really made me appreciate my faith, which contrasts the character's fear and uncertainty. My mother pondered the same questions when she had me. "Is this all there is?" and it brought her to God.
This book reminded me that we aren't meant to live our lives in fear of our mortality. Maybe in the next book the main character will find her peace.
Thanks for sharing about this book
Sounds really interesting. I wonder if I can get it from the library here?
You posted a great interview, really captured the story without giving anything away.
cjs, you're welcome!: )
autumn mist, if you'd like, i'll send it to you. it can't cost much between our two lands. in return i'd only ask you ship me a bottle of authentic worchestershire sauce! let me know...
fv, really, i was worried about my review, it wasn't as professional as yours!
Sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks for your review.
I think you did a great job on your review. It's different from the others and still suits the book. I haven't done mine yet. Actually I'm dreading it.
Well, I must clarify. When I had my first daughter Beth, the enormity of the resposibility and my overwhelming need for God for help raising her came to me. The Lord knew exactly what would touch my heart. He is so good! He has been faithful now to do abundantly more than I ask or think now for almost 4 decades! Oh, and the other day when we talked, LOL, I didn't know you had written that when I said "Lord willing and the creek don't raise". ha!
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