Monday, March 23, 2009

What's happening right now

YAY, guess what, guess what? Guess what just arrived?

Last night I heard my man on the phone say "Klasse!" ("Excellent!") and afterwards I said "What's klasse? What!?" and he said "Your fence people are coming tomorrow with your fence." I finished, "To install it ...TOMORROW?!!??!" "Yes. At 8:30!"

WOO HOO! I could hardly sleep, isn't that crazy. I've been a bit concerned cuz the barn owner needs me to get Baasha out by the end of this month, cuz she's going away to Holland with her horses. Pressure. Helplessness. I can't really do anything cuz of stupid Equitana. Equitana is the yearly horse fair in Essen, and all the fencing contractors are there, showing off their fences. BAH! I need you in your offices, selling fences to ME, not sitting in your booth at the fair!

Even the Tpost supplier is at the fair, and won't be reachable til Tuesday (tomorrow). We placed the order to one of his assistants, but it's on hold til we speak to the owner because we have some technical questions first (How far from a propane tank must the charger/grounding stakes be? The answer will determine if we get a battery charger or a "real" charger. I want a real, plug-in charger!).

I was just making a big pot of coffee when the doorbell rang. The smiling fencing guy greeted me and I was grinning too, speechless really, with happiness. His son (?) is also here. We just walked out to the field and decided exactly where the fenceline should be. My stakes were a little uneven, he'll get it professional. I peeked in the trailer and saw the beautiful fence rails. Oh, so nice. And my 5 meter long gate! I really wanted a 3 meter gate, but the tiny road that goes by our home is so narrow, they say a bigger gate is required if we want to ever be able to get a tractor with trailer in our field. OK, super long gate it is. I was thrilled to see the locking mechanism, the exact one I wanted! This is too exciting.

Drat, my camera batteries are empty so I'm charging them right now. I hope they charge fast cuz I want pics!

I can't believe it, my fence is here!

***UPDATE, noon***

OMGOSH it's freaking beautiful. I just went out with two bowls of chili for the guys, and they have the first rail up. It's bothering my blogging addiction that my camera batteries are not charged yet, to show this stage of my fence. *snap* It's also, HUGE. I mean, I think that top rail is over my head. I could start a warmblood farm. My little Arab is gonna look comical standing behind that fence! *giggle* It's the prettiest fence in town, handsdown, actually it might be the ONLY 3 rail horse fence in town. You know the saying, "Good fences make good neighbors." Well, we're killer neighbors, aren't we: ) Odd that some of the land we've fenced is not even technically ours, we only rent it. But we have the first option to buy when we have the money, and don't worry, there is no access to that piece of land except through our field, so it's not a workable/desirable piece of land to anyone but us.

(Note to chili lovers: New idea! Instead of beef, I used chicken breasts, thrown in near the final stages of simmering, so they're totally tender. A bit of cumin makes this unique too. As they say in Germany, "Lecker!" I hope the guys like it, it's a little on the wild side for Western Europe. Cayenne pepper - good for your sinuses, IMO!: ))


AareneX said...

Have you looked at solar fence chargers? They can be placed anywhere (as long as there's unobstructed light!) and don't need to be attached to an electrical cord...there are usually some available on ebay.

Can't wait to see the photos!

lytha said...

Aarene, my man wants solar panels on our house. This is a very typical German thing, the most energy-saving country in the world: )

The fenceman said I can feel free to place a normal (real!) fence charger on my barn wall - it's not problem with the gas tank, and the grounding stakes can be right there too, no problem. WHEW!

They're gone now, and it's an amazing fence. They'll be back Thur or Fri to finish the gates (setting in concrete takes days).

Actually, back in November I made a picture of the fence I dreamed of having with MS Paint. I got out that picture today and showed the guys. It's the exact fence they built. Cool: )

Stupid camera batteries..

They want to bring a fishing pole Friday and teach me how to catch and clean a fish. That's a good skill to have considering we have a LOT of trout down there.

I was supposed to go meet my next door neighbor's warmbloods today but I had to cancel cuz of the fence. I think she understands, I wanted to be here and watch the entire process.

Oh yah, they're also gonna help me build 2 manure boxes so I can compost manure (properly, this is a wetland so we need to make them water-tight).

Right now the neighbors are all driving home from work, their cars slowing down as they stare in wonder at such a glorious fence. Yup. That's the fence I was dreaming of!


Horseypants said...

You are so horsey!! And funny: "OMGOSH it's freaking beautiful." I am so there with you. About a FENCE, yeah, but it's a horse fence, and that's totally different. I'm really happy for you both! Can't wait to see the pictures.

AareneX said...

c'mon camera batteries!!!

We wanna see the fence!!!

I want solar panels too.

Last night I dreamed that we "planted" a solar garden along the north fence line of the pasture--a long *straight* line of solar cells on posts...of course, I would also use the posts as fences! >g<

Laura said...

Wow - how exciting!! I'm glad that your fence turned out how you wanted it! Too bad about the camera batteries - show us pics when you get a chance

Leah Fry said...

I can't wait to see photos! What an adventure you have embarked on!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Woot! Woot! Your dreams are coming true, my dear!!
I can only imagine the tongue wagging the neighbors are doing. hehe

I look forward to seeing the pictures. Congrats!!

One more step closer to bringing Sir Baasha home!


Fantastyk Voyager said...

That is great! Dreams can come true! I'm anxious to see the photos. Hurry up batteries...
Funny, the word verification is "woott"!!

Funder said...

Oooh congrats! I can't wait to see pics, especially the 5 meter long gate. A 5 meter gate boggles my mind!

lytha said...

I'm inept. I used the wrong charger on the camera batteries, and they were dead after an 8 hour wait. I whined a high-pitched lament to my man, "What did I do wrong? Why do we only have one set of batteries in this house!?" and he said we have more, but who knows which box they're in. And that I'd used the wrong charger. So I had to charge them another 8 hours, waiting all the while today, looking at the little light waiting for it to turn from red to green. Then, finally, they were ready.

And I lost the camera cable. Twice in one week. *hangs head* Pics in the camera, that I can't get to the computer.

Not such a good day today, my ineptitude overwhelming me.

But everyday a horse is ridden by our house, or led, or driven, and I run to the window like a cocker spaniel, in glee.
