Sunday, March 29, 2009

Slight breach of cultural norm

I defied the rules today...I worked a bit in our barn -- on a Sunday. Yikes. I was trying to be quiet with my saw, but well, I believe some sawing noises escaped. Seriously, Germany is adamant about maintaining that commandment, it is not even legal to mow your lawn on this day.

Anyway, I felt guilty about using a drill tonight at 8 pm on a Sunday (even though our neighbors are so far away it's unlikely anyone could hear me), until, get this, I broke the freaking drill bit! It turns out when the batteries on the drill are low, just QUIT. Charge it and then continue. I wasn't paying attention, had some trouble even in the soft wood, and then PING it broke in half. Half of a bit is sticking out of my barn wall now. Agh.

Here's my hay feeder plan. As you see, there is this big old table thing in my stall. It was a rabbit hutch but I'm gonna use it for brushes and towels and whatever is safe to actually keep around a horse unsupervised. It's perfect, really, cuz it makes this little area that will be the perfect hay feeder. I'll just put up some boards between the table and the wall, and voila, floor level hay feeder. I'll even put a net over it to cut down on waste. In my experience the very best hay feeders are just low-level boxes, big enough to contain a lot of hay, nearly impossible for the horse to poop in, and difficult to toss hay out of. I think that will work - we'll see. Baasha's very good at pooping on food, and therefore very apt to waste a lot of it.

Good news, hay is coming tomorrow. Better news, the horse is really coming home on Tuesday. I talked to my next door neighbor who is happy to trailer my horse home. Cool huh? I don't have to infringe upon our harried barn owner any more. She's feeling very infringed lately. Especially because I won't be coming *every day* in April to take care of Ronni while she's in Holland with her Arabs. No, I don't even live in Wuppertal anymore! Last boarding situation ever? I sincerely hope so. I could fill many blog posts with the tales of crappy boarding situations. I'm avoiding doing that cuz it's such a trip down negative lane.

Oh my, there is the prettiest little sliver of a moon out my kitchen window! Oops, now it's gone. It's here late cuz we were late too, today was set your clocks forward day and we forgot and missed church. (But we listened to an entire Catholic service on the radio, enjoying the sermon that was interspersed with the clinking of the incense.)


allhorsestuff said...

Wow...illeagal to mow!
Now that is something...I still kinda wish that stores were closed Sundays..I remember them that way in my youth, and was bored stiff with it...but now I see the value in resting and and reflecting~
You crack me up with the sawing!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I thought you were going to say you listened to the sermon while you were sawing and drilling. heheh!

It's tough not to do anything but rest on Sunday because most folks only have two days off from work and have so much to do to get caught up that taking on entire day off makes them always behind.

But I wonder, do women get a rest from cooking in the kitchen on Sundays? Or do people expect them to cook elaborate Sunday dinners like they do in the US?

And you have lots of last minute preparations to do to get ready for Baasha's arrival.....CAN YOU BELIEVE THE DAY IS ALMOST HERE, Lytha??!! WOW!!!!


word verification: 'clatters'

Clatters are not permitted in Germany on Sunday.

Melanie said...

WOW Lytha!!! You have sure gotten a lot of work done around your new home. It really looks great, and I bet you just can't wait to have Baasha there with you.
And you don't have to ride him there now??? How nice is your new neighbor???

And can I just say how much I love my truck??? Sorry...I couldn't help it! :)