Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Somehow horse related

Some very nice people ghosted my blog forward today, and I was thrilled about it! I love the idea of pay it forward, giving has never been one of my strong points, and I'd like to to be. (The people pictured are returning to their two-horse carriage after having a nice dinner.)

This is my horse blog, the one completely dedicated to horse talk, because my regular blog was getting too horsey for my family and friends (I think). As per the Ghosting it Forward rules, I want to recommend a few blogs I read, who really try to keep on topic, their horses. I really appreciate the horse stories above all else. (The person pictured keeps a Fresian in his house, which is actually a crypt.)

I recommend Nuzzling Muzzles, The Horse Diary, and A day in the life of Zoe. (Willow always wanted a horse, but never got one: (. )

Part of the Ghost it Forward plan is to include a link to the official site, which I'm sure you already have seen if you're reading this. (The person pictured has an Arabian horse that still misses him.)

They sometimes go out in the barn to play vampire with the horses.

He had his own horse, but one day everything changed, and the horse ran away and never came back.

The last rule is to post creepy or halloween-type images. I didn't want to do that cuz I don't want to be off-topic in my horse blog *giggle*.


cdncowgirl said...

Very clever post (and you did follow the rules) :)

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Ha ha! What a creative way to handle this tag!

lytha said...

i love buffy the vampire slayer, interview with the vampire, and the crow.

but they were simply not horsey enough to make it to this blog, until i got ghosted: )

thanks for the opportunity to mix some of my other self into my horsey self.

(i'm also a dedicated trekkie but that just didn't fit in any way!)


Melanie said...

Love it! It looks like you had more info about the Ghosting it Forward site than I did though...lol!!!