Friday, September 26, 2008

Where are the ponies?

Since Joerg needed the GPS today, I thought I could ride in the big forest without getting lost. I was wrong. I spent 2 hours trying to find my way home, and when I finally found a town, it was totally the wrong town. I had to lead poor Baasha down many, many city streets to find our way back. I was not going back in those woods without a GPS. I had to cross over two autobahns to get home, that's how badly I screwed up. Baasha wasn't really ready for a 4 hour ride, so I really got my exercise today.

Much much later than planned, I brought the horses their dinner. Hm. Where are the ponies? I honestly have no idea where the shetland pony mama and baby are. Their tiny little halters are also gone, At first I was like "YES! Someone STOLE them! Good!" But, would a thief go into the barn and take the time to find the correct halters? Probably not. More likely, they are moved to another field and no one told me. I had just spoken to our caretaker this morning, and mentioned that both the pony and Sharif are attacking my horse at the same time, and I couldn't sleep last night cuz I was so worried. She assured me everything's OK, that most of the time they are peaceful, but Sharif is becoming a demon, because he's eating Power Mix grain, and lots of it, and he's not being worked this week. He won a 100 mile race last week, and now he's just idling, and taking out his energy by making Baasha run LAPS around the field, and chasing all the horses just for fun. I'm trying not to overreact, and it will probably get better in time, but it's hard.

Now there are no ponies. The owner is on vacation. I'm on evening duty this week. It would be so awesome if they are stolen. More likely, someone just wanted to play with them and had permission to, but no one told me. No one steals horses in Germany. Everyone knows everyone in the little neighborhood, and Germans are so nosy, it would be impossible to take a horse without 5 different neighbors noticing.


hainshome said...

Now you're making me worry about Baasha...
Man! Sharif sounds crazy! Too bad someone didn't steal *him* hehehehe... then someone would be like, "hey, didn't that horse win the German Tevis?" LOL

Flying Lily said...

Wow that trail ride sounds a bit scary. Road crossings give me the willa-wahs and I have a bad case of 'are-we-lost??' phobia. You have got to get another GPS!
Hilarious about hoping someone stole the ponies...